I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all of the hard work you all did putting the boot camp together. Everyone went "above and beyond" to make sure the weekend was informative and on point. I realize how demanding a schedule like that is and appreciate your willingness to share. My brain is still reeling from the information overload. There certainly appears to be a very unique profit potential in this market segment. I'm juiced about digging into the due diligence of my first park. I look forward to the chances that may come up in the future to explore opportunities. If there is anything that I may be of assistance with in this area, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
WE TEACH Mobile Home Park Investing
Most accurate and up-to-date information on the mobile home park industry
Affordable Housing is the hottest arena in commercial real estate right now.
With over 20% of Americans trying to live on $20,000 per year or less, the demand for mobile homes has never been higher - and the big winners are the owners of the mobile home parks in which those customers reside.
Our information is based on 100% truth, with no sugar coating.
- MHU provides you with the information and training you need so successfully identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, renegotiate, finance, turnaround and operate mobile home parks.
- Our information is based on 100% truth, with no sugar coating, and both the good and bad aspects of the business are openly discussed.
- All of our content comes from the real life experiences of Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds, who are the 6th largest owners of mobile home parks in the U.S., with over 170 parks across 20 states.
- We are the #1 source of information on the industry in the U.S., appearing on over 100 newspapers and television outlets in 2014 alone.

50 combined years in the real estate business

co founder
Frank Rolfe has been an investor in mobile home parks for almost two decades, and has owned and operated hundreds of mobile home parks during that time. He is currently ranked, with his partner Dave Reynolds, as the 6th largest mobile home park owner in the U.S., with over 170 communities spread out over 20 states.

co founder
Dave Reynolds is a household name in the mobile home park business for many reasons. First is the fact that he, along with his partner Frank Rolfe, are the 6th largest owner of mobile home parks in the U.S. with over 8,000 lots spread out over 17 states.
I really enjoyed the MHP boot camp this past weekend. I specifically wanted to achieve three goals, improve my MHP management planning and operations, become much more efficient (and competitive) evauluating parks/making deals, and start building my network of other park investors - I accomplished all three goals! Overall, I thought the class was a tremendous value, shaving years off of the typical learning curve. I look forward to attending your next conference/convention in addition to your weekly calls. Thank you.
With your help in directing me on my park purchase, I just received my appraisal from the bank (with whom I'm refinancing) and the value came in at 950k , not bad considering i purchased it for 550k in Feb of this year. Thanks Frank and Dave for the return calls, emails and general NO! you gave me when i got a little zealous and impatient. It took months but your direction helped me land a park that should net me about 6-8 k per month. Ill be in touch as soon as I refi this park and move on to the next.
Clinton G.