Everyone thinks that you can only do successful mobile home park deals in giant population markets. That’s not true. Our most profitable mobile home park deal in history happened in a town of 37,450. While the metro area is larger, it’s still under a million people, and it’s not in the type of market you’d expect. But many of the factors that drove this deal to such a high level match some of the theories we discuss at Boot Camp, and we’re going to review the key components to making this deal so profitable in detail.
If you want to learn skills to succeed with mobile home parks, attend our Mobile Home Park Investor's Boot Camp. You'll learn how to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, finance, turn-around and operate mobile home parks. And the course is taught by Frank Rolfe who, with his partner Dave Reynolds, is one of the largest owners of mobile home parks in the U.S. To learn more Click Here or call (855) 879-2738.