The Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast

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Welcome to the Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast where you will learn how to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, finance, turn-around and operate mobile home parks! Your host is Frank Rolfe, the 5th largest mobile home park owner in the United State with his partner Dave Reynolds.

Methods To Keep Homes From Moving Out: Episode 378

Every time a mobile home pulls out of a lot in your community, you lose a ton of money. Park owners have been pondering for years the magic of how to keep homes from leaving. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the methods attempted over the years and explore the only real solutions to keeping occupied lots from becoming vacant.

Listen To Episode 378

Home Placement Solutions: Episode 377

A mobile home park is like a chess board with many options to place your pieces, not just the ones that come with the owner’s manual. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the reasons that you might want to change the positioning of your mobile homes, the typical rules regarding that customization, and where these slight park redesigns may be heading in the future.

Listen To Episode 377

A New Development In Park Development: Episode 376

We have been talking for years about the difficulty in building new mobile home parks. However, there has been a shift in the parable of how you can get a permit to build yet still be in a desirable area. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the new face of park development and why that’s a great thing for the industry.

Listen To Episode 376

The Importance of "Riding The Wave": Episode 375

Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy's, was the first to explore the necessity of "riding the wave". And his lessons learned transfer well to mobile home park management. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we're going to review what he meant, how he came to form this opinion, and how all mobile home park owners and managers need to embrace this important tenet.

Listen To Episode 375

A New Lease On Life: Episode 374

Most community owners raise their rents annually, and typically in the Spring. As part of that process, they often have to get new leases and rules signed. Additionally, every time you buy a new mobile home park you are going to have to get new leases and rules executed. But how do you navigate that process? In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the methodology to do this correctly.

Listen To Episode 374

Why 2025 Will Be A "Rebuilding" Year Beyond Expectations: Episode 373

Much of the uncertainty in America ended with the November 5th election, and we now know who will be running things starting in 2025. But many investors don't realize that our starting point as a nation may be much different than what the media has conveyed to date. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast, we're going to review where things may really stand and what we can expect in the New Year.

Listen To Episode 373

Fast Ways To Fill Lots Without Bringing In Homes: Episode 372

We all know that banks like mobile home parks at what they call “stabilized occupancy” – which is around 80% full – and have less affection for those properties that have not yet hit that status. When you are looking at buying a mobile home park with significant vacancy, one smart starting point is to make sure that your “vacant” lot count is reflective of what should be truly available.

Listen To Episode 372

Who's The Boss?: Episode 371

Mobile home park owners have to deal with rules and regulations like any other business and making sure you are in full compliance is essential. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to focus on what the standard regulations are and which agency is responsible for them.

Listen To Episode 371

When Sharing Is Caring: Episode 370

While most mobile home parks have direct access to roads and utilities, others share one or more of these with a neighboring property. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the concept of shared services and how to navigate that issue correctly.

Listen To Episode 370

Are "Trailers" User Friendly For Aging?: Episode 369

Baby Boomers are aging and they make up a large segment of mobile home park residents. Will mobile homes meet their needs in the years ahead? In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review if mobile homes can fit the needs of seniors and offer a great living experience for them.

Listen To Episode 369

Quick Fixes That Really Work: Episode 368

Let’s assume you need to get your property looking good quickly. Maybe you have a bank inspection or a critical date for launching your marketing campaign to fill vacant homes. When you want to make major improvements in property appearance fast, here are some methods that cost very little but have a big impact and, in many cases, will last for a decent amount of time.

Listen To Episode 368

Understanding Resident Input: Episode 367

All businesses need to listen to their customers in order to better serve their needs–and mobile home parks are no different. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the intricacies of getting fair and balanced resident input to help better steer your mobile home community.

Listen To Episode 367

The Ultimate “Stand Your Ground” Law: Episode 366

There is one rule that defends the rights of mobile home park owners more than any other: legal-nonconformance, also known as “grandfathering”. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review why property rights are strong regardless of the state the park is located in, and why “grandfathering” is so hard for some city officials to comprehend and enforce fairly.

Listen To Episode 366

Why You're Going To Be Fine Regardless Of Who Wins The Election: Episode 365

This year's Presidential election is probably the most stressful of all time as both parties could not be more diametrically opposite with platforms that share no commonality. However, regardless of who wins there is good news: not much is going to change. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we're going to review why you will be fine regardless of who win, so you can stop being upset about it.

Listen To Episode 365

How To Enhance Shotgun Parks: Episode 364

The original layout for mobile home parks was a simple, straight street with homes placed on both sides of the lane. This is called a "shotgun" park and one of the greatest challenges to these early offerings is to make them attractive. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review some of the best steps to increase the aesthetics of this style of property to both retain and attract residents.

Listen To Episode 364

The Importance Of Continuity Of Rent: Episode 363

It should be the goal of every mobile home park owner to make sure that no home ever goes vacant. Part of being the caretaker of the property is to also be the catalyst to a happy resolution to any risk of a resident leaving without warning or the ability to mitigate the damage. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast, we’re going to explore the reality of keeping a steady stream of rent from every lot in the park.

Listen To Episode 363

Lights, Camera, But Is There Action?: Episode 362

In a world in which everyone has abandoned Nikon cameras for cell phones, taking good pictures has become a lost art. And the end result can be poor home sales as you try to fill your vacant lots. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review how to take great photos and use them as an important tool to get your mobile homes sold.

Listen To Episode 362

Why The “Free Rent” Movement Is Going Nowhere: Episode 361

There is a national push to attack landlords under what many call the “free rent movement”. This woke ideology is that landlords are inherently evil and that housing rent should be controlled by the government or – better yet – forced to be provided at no charge. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explain, in detail, why this movement is going nowhere, despite what some politicians may promise.

Listen To Episode 361

The Science Behind Manager Commissions: Episode 360

Many park owners use commissions to promote achieving certain management targets. They are designed to be highly effective tools of motivation, but too many owners don’t apply them properly or in the correct amounts. In this Mobile Home Park Mastey podcast we’re going to review the strategy behind effecting commissions to hit your targets.

Listen To Episode 360

The Importance Of The Rent To Ownership Ratio: Episode 359

The United States has entered into uncharted territory regarding the premium it costs to own a home over rent one. From 1973 to 2022 the ratio of cost of ownership vs. renting averaged 1.03. It has now expanded to a mind-blowing 2.8 – nearly three times more. While the Biden administration has chosen to avoid this topic it needs to be addressed as it is going to impact rent levels nationwide and will bring about the largest increases in mobile home park lot rents in history in the years ahead.

Listen To Episode 359

The Facts About Recessions And Home Repos: Episode 358

As long as mobile homes are sold to fill vacant lots, there will always be a percentage of customers who will not make it to the of their mortgages. And with a recession officially arriving soon, the issue of home repossessions needs to be watched closely and planned for. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to drill down on the real facts regarding home defaults and how to proactively minimizing them.

Listen To Episode 358

Why There Is No Federal Government Solution To Affordable Housing: Episode 357

It’s election season, and there are wild claims hitting the media of how the Federal government can be used to create affordable housing. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to burst the bubble on these reckless claims and explore the two key solutions that nobody cares to talk about.

Listen To Episode 357

Everything You Need To Know About Road Widths: Episode 356

Roads are an essential responsibility of the park owner. Yet few people understand all the issues regarding what road widths are acceptable and what are not. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore and expose the key issues regarding proper road widths as well as some solutions to the most common problems.

Listen To Episode 356

Talk Is Cheap And City Official Talk Is Worthless: Episode 355

In an America that is lacking in accountability, the city official – whether zoning or inspections – is a master at that craft. Yet how you interpret what they say can make the difference between buying the deal or walking it. And often you have to bring in reinforcements to protect you interests. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the science behind interacting with city officials.

Listen To Episode 355

Where Are The Distressed Deals?: Episode 354

Interest rates have risen about five points since 2022 – the fastest and highest increases in over 40 years. That has led many buyers to grow impatient for the distressed deals that many predicted. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review where distressed deals come from, what the typical timetable is for their arrival, and when we think that period may begin.

Listen To Episode 354