The Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast

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Welcome to the Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast where you will learn how to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, finance, turn-around and operate mobile home parks! Your host is Frank Rolfe, the 5th largest mobile home park owner in the United State with his partner Dave Reynolds.

Breaking The Mental Barriers About Managing Parks: Episode 74

Some people think that managing a mobile home park is harder than herding cats. Is it really like trying to nail jello to a wall, or is there a scientific method that always yields the desired results? In this fourth and final episode of our series on “Breaking the Barriers” we’re going to examine what really goes into mobile home park management and the action steps necessary to make a success of it.

Listen To Episode 74

Breaking Through Mental Barriers To Buying Parks: Episode 73

Some people think that finding a mobile home park to buy is nearly impossible. But is it really? In this third of our four-part series on “Breaking the Barrier’s we’re going to examine the exact steps to finding a mobile home park to buy and determine just how difficult they are. With over 44,000 mobile home parks in the U.S., this is a big issue.

Listen To Episode 73

Breaking Through The Stigmas About Our Business Model: Episode 72

Are mobile home parks just about “ripping off the poor”, or is there more to the story than that? In this second of a four-part series on “Breaking the Barriers” we’re going to take an honest look at the mobile home park business model and examine what the real impact is to the resident and community. It may just be that there’s more to the mobile home park industry than most people think.

Listen To Episode 72

Breaking Through The Stereotypes About Our Customers: Episode 71

Are our customers really “trailer trash” or is that just an unfair stereotype? In this first of a four-part series on “Breaking the Barriers”, we’re going to analyze the stigma against mobile home park residents and try to separate the real from the false and uncover what created these stigmas in the first place. Since the mobile home park industry is predicated on our customers, it’s important to break through these myths to understand more fully the customers we serve.

Listen To Episode 71

Market Fails: Episode 70

Real estate is all about “location, location, location”. So a bad mobile home park location is a disaster for any buyer. In this fifth and final episode in our series on “Lessons Learned from Failed Parks” we’re going to discuss the worst markets for mobile home park success and how to identify and avoid them. We have many stories of bad markets – both observations on others as well as our own – and we think that any buyer who avoids the “location” issue is just asking for trouble.

Listen To Episode 70

Financing Failures: Episode 69

Real estate leverage is an essential part of mobile home park investing. Without it you cannot hit the typical 20% cash-on-cash yield. However, what happens when the buyer uses the leverage improperly? In this fourth of our five-part series on “Lessons Learned from Failed Parks” we’re going to examine how some mobile home park buyers set themselves up for failure by agreeing to lending terms that are impossible to conquer. If you want to keep your credit and your investment dollars, you’ll want to learn what these failures are and guard against them.

Listen To Episode 69

Big Management Fails: Episode 68

Even the best mobile home park will not succeed with bad management in place. In our third of a five-part series on “Lessons Learned from Failed Parks” we’re going to be discussing how a bad manager can destroy your business and give some real-life examples to hammer home the points. We’re also going to review some ways to prevent these catastrophes. If you want to make money with a mobile home park, then choosing or retaining the wrong manager virtually assures you of failure.

Listen To Episode 68

Occupancy Fails: Episode 67

When you’re unable to attain the necessary occupancy to succeed, the result is failure. In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast Series we’re on the second part of our five-part series on Lessons Learned from Failed Parks, and we’re focusing on occupancy disasters and what can be garnered from these setbacks. As any business is contingent upon hitting revenue targets, mobile home parks are no different, but there are also complications, such as lender requirements, that can turn even small occupancy fails into bigger problems. As history offers a glimpse into the future, it’s important to understand the risk of occupancy fails to stay clear of them going forward.

Listen To Episode 67

Lessons Learned From Failed Mobile Home Parks: Episode 66

Webster’s Dictionary defines “failure” as the “lack of success”. So it’s the exact opposite of winning. But many mobile home parks fail for that very reason: the owner’s do the exact opposite of what common industry doctrine would suggest. In this five-part series on parks that have failed, we are going to dissect what went wrong and look for commonalities in poor park selection, management and financing stewardship. And in this first segment, we’re going to review how choosing the wrong type of park can consistently lead to doom – and there’s no reason to put yourself in that position if you just use some common sense and good due diligence efforts.

Listen To Episode 66

The Dirty Job Of Cleaning Up After Disasters: Episode 65

Tornadoes. Hurricanes. Fires. Mobile home parks are not immune to natural disasters. So how do you deal with them? In this final segment of our six-part series on “Dirty Jobs” we’re going to discuss the different types of disasters that can happen in a mobile home park and how to clean up the mess and restore order to your mobile home park investment. In a world in which things can go bad quickly and without warning, it’s important to know how to deal with worst-case scenarios.

Listen To Episode 65

Getting Dirty With City Government: Episode 64

How far are you willing to be pushed around? That’s a question many mobile home park buyers and owners have to ask themselves sometimes. In this fifth segment of our six-part series on “Dirty Jobs” we’re going to address the A to Z of dealing with governmental agencies that refuse to play by the rules. Learn the insider secrets that $500 per hour attorneys have taught us regarding fighting for our rights and doing so in an efficient and 100% legal manner.

Listen To Episode 64

The Dirty Job Of Managing Water And Sewer: Episode 63

Nothing sounds messier than dealing with water and sewer in a “trailer park”. However, the reality is that it’s something that all park owners can easily deal with if they know what they’re doing. In this episode of our six-part series on “Dirty Jobs” we’re going to review the modern strategies on addressing water and sewer systems and repairs in mobile home parks. Although nothing sounds more unpleasant than digging up a pipe in a muddy field, the truth is that it’s not a frequent occurrence if you obey the strategies that other owners have figured out from experience over the past half-century.

Listen To Episode 63

The Dirty Job Of Park-Owned Homes: Episode 62

“Metal Shoeboxes” is how some people describe mobile homes. And renovating and selling them is one of the “dirtiest jobs” that most mobile home park owners dread. But it’s really not that bad – if you know what to do. In this third segment in our six-part series on Dirty Jobs we’re going to examine the steps to successfully tackling this undesirable task. If you can handle the shoeboxes in your closet, you can handle this larger variety, as well.

Listen To Episode 62

Dirty Jobs Episode Two: Rules Violations: Episode 61

How do you make mobile home park residents follow the rules? In this second of our six-part series on “Dirty Jobs” we’re going to discuss in detail how owners are able to maintain order in mobile home parks and provide a good quality of life for the residents. If you thought that mobile home parks are bastions of impossible behavior, you’ve watched too much television. Learn the facts in this podcast.

Listen To Episode 61

Dirty Jobs Episode One: Collections: Episode 60

In most mobile home parks, collecting money is the number one priority. But some people consider that unpleasant – even though it really isn’t. In this episode of Mobile Home Park Mastery, we’re going to start a six-part series called “Dirty Jobs” in which we examine in detail the things that owners do that scare most people. If you want to know the insider secrets of how collections work in a mobile home park, this podcast is for you.

Listen To Episode 60

The Jekyll & Hyde Nature Of Economics In Deal Evaluation: Episode 59

Nothing can make a mobile home park deal look more or less attractive than the numbers. Indeed, the economics have a Jekyll & Hyde ability to make any mobile home park investment change from a winner to a loser and back again at a lightning speed. In the third of a three-part series, we’re going to discuss how the slightest alteration of number assumptions can have a huge impact on a deal’s attractiveness. See how you have to be extremely focused on the numbers to know when a deal has passed from good to bad, or vice versa. These are economic patterns that need to be learned by any good park buyer.

Listen To Episode 59

The Jekyll & Hyde Personality of Utilities: Episode 58

Every mobile home park must have water, sewer, electricity – and sometimes – gas. But the way these utilities are provided can have a huge impact on whether you would want to buy that deal or not. In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast we’re going to examine the ability of utilities to give any deal a Jekyll & Hyde demeanor, with the ability to turn that attractive investment possibility into a potential nightmare. If you want to know what some of the key deal killers are for mobile home parks, then this podcast will clearly identify them.

Listen To Episode 58

Jekyll & Hyde – The Impact Of Slight Changes In Deal Variables: Episode 57

We all know the story of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, where a drug could cause a gentleman to morph into a monster and back again. Mobile home park variables can cause a similar effect. In this first of a three-part series on the Impact of Slight Changes in Deal Variables, we’re going to discuss the impact of park-owned homes on mobile home park desirability, and identify which attributes make a deal attractive instead of a disaster. You’ll be amazed at how just the slightest tweak can turn a deal from attractive to devastating and back again.

Listen To Episode 57

Mobile Home Park Noblesse Oblige: Episode 56

Noblesse oblige is a French term that translates to “those who have substantial resources have a responsibility to help those that have less”. So how can mobile home park owners put this very moral theory into practice? In this third and final installment in our three-part series titled “Mobile Home Park Morality” we’re going to discuss taking the right path to helping to protect and support residents. The mobile home park industry is a win/win business, in which it is truly possible for everyone to succeed.

Listen To Episode 56

Putting An End To Waste: Episode 55

There’s a huge amount of waste that goes on in some mobile home parks. The moral thing for park owners to do is to end this destruction of precious resources. In this second of our three-part series titled “Mobile Home Park Morality” we’re going to review the various types of waste that go on in many mobile home parks and what the moral owner can do to end these practices. Remember that waste can be both in the physical form – such as water – as well as in missed opportunities. We’re going to cover them all.

Listen To Episode 55

Resident Tough Love: Episode 54

Sometimes residents don’t appreciate what the landlord is doing for them. There’s a thing called “tough love” and it happens in mobile home parks every day. In this first part of a three-part series on Mobile Home Park Morality, we’re going to discuss the many things that park owners do that benefit the resident – and that nobody appreciates. Park owners are constantly helping their customers to live successful lives, yet those initiatives are frequently misunderstood.

Listen To Episode 54

The Power Of The Brain: Episode 53

We’ve saved the most important for the last. In our final episode of our five-part series on “The Top Five Tools of Mobile Home Park Owners” we’re going to discuss the power of the human mind to make you a successful investor and operator in this asset class. If you think that Sudoku is the only way to keep your brain active and sharp, then try mobile home parks – it can be much more challenging and a whole lot more rewarding.

Listen To Episode 53

Using Software To Better Manage Your Property: Episode 52

Which software should you use to manage your mobile home park. Or do you need software at all? We’re going to discuss this topic in the fourth installment of our five-part series on “The Top Five Tools of Mobile Home Park Owners”. We’ll identify the different software options and review their costs, benefits and weaknesses. It’s probably time to trade in your abacus for the new power of good software.

Listen To Episode 52

Virtual Assistants Can Yield A Real Benefit To Park Owners: Episode 51

The book “4-Hour Work Week” introduced America to the concept of “virtual assistants” – people who will do tasks for you from afar using the internet and at a cost far lower than full-time employees. In this third installment of our five-part series on “The Top Five Tools of Mobile Home Park Owners” we’re going to discuss the websites and resources that allow you to take full advantage of farming out many of your tasks for extremely low prices, and with protection from the complicated and litigious labor laws that plague employers today.

Listen To Episode 51

Surveillance Tools: Episode 50

How do you make sure that your manager is doing a good job when you’re not around? With today’s high-tech world, there are some great options. In this second part of our five-part series on the “Top Five Tools of Mobile Home Park Owners”, we’re going to discuss the key tools to keeping your park and manager under constant surveillance to make sure that the business is running properly in the field. You’ll be amazed at how well you can stay on top of a property from hundreds and thousands of miles away – and at very low cost.

Listen To Episode 50