The Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast

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Welcome to the Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast where you will learn how to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, finance, turn-around and operate mobile home parks! Your host is Frank Rolfe, the 5th largest mobile home park owner in the United State with his partner Dave Reynolds.

Is There Room For DGX?: Episode 228

The mobile home park industry has adopted weak guidelines of ratings – none of which is embraced in a cohesive manner – and mobile home parks basically fall into two camps: 1) upscale retirement communities and 2) everything else. Long gone is the star system in any reasonable application. But is a two-party system enough?

Listen To Episode 228

Are Residents Ruled By Love Or Fear?: Episode 227

The media will tell you that mobile home park residents are “trapped” in their homes. The truth is the exact opposite. The bonds that produce an average tenancy of 14 years are forged by the love of the product, not boundaries. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the truth behind the myth that customers are “chained to the Waffle House booths”, and explore what makes them happy residents for decades.

Listen To Episode 227

The Stages on the Rocket of Park Turnarounds: Episode 226

The recent spaceflight of William Shatner – broadcast live – demonstrated how mobile home park turnarounds work. Just like a rocket it comes in a series of stages with tangible transitions. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast episode we’re going to discuss what these stages are, how they work, and what the positive gains are to residents from these boosts in their quality of life.

Listen To Episode 226

Successfully Using RVs To Fill Vacant Mobile Home Lots: Episode 225

At the same time that mobile home prices from the manufacturers have risen to the highest levels in American history, RV ownership in the U.S. has also hit record levels and many of these owners are not using them for travel but for permanent residency. In this episode of Mobile Home Park Mastery, we’re going to discuss the potential to fill vacant mobile home park lots with RVs, and why that’s going to be one of the big factors in filling up the remaining vacant lots in communities from coast to coast.

Listen To Episode 225

The Park Owner’s Winter Survival Guide: Episode 224

Each season has its own challenges when you own a mobile home park, and winter is no different. With the arrival of the holiday season comes new responsibilities and strategies to make your community in good operational condition. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the items all park owners need to accomplish before the snow begins to fall.

Listen To Episode 224

Hot Markets In The Hard Infrastructure Bill: Episode 223

The “hard infrastructure bill” has now been signed into law. This bill is very geographic-specific, and many people have not through who the winners and losers actually. Some may be surprised at the new hot markets created by this democratic initiative. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to take a look at who the big beneficiaries are of this bill and why this does a lot to bring new luster to the “rust belt” and “flyover” states.

Listen To Episode 223

No Shots No Glory: Episode 222

Wayne Gretzky once said "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - and that's as true for mobile home parks as it is for ice hockey. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we're going to discuss why it's essential to make offers regardless of the odds of success, as well as some tips to make those offers better received. Since success in buying mobile home parks is all about volume, it's essential that you take those shots.

Listen To Episode 222

Don’t Hide From Unhappy Customers: Episode 221

Bill Gates once said “unhappy customers are you’re greatest source of learning”. Not only can you improve your business with unhappy feedback but also forge stronger bonds with customers by solving their problems. It’s also important to remember that you can’t please all the people all the time and can’t let a few unhappy customers sway what’s best for your mobile home park both as a business and a community.

Listen To Episode 221

Guarding Against Paralysis By Analysis: Episode 220

It’s hard to make important life decisions. But it’s even worse to avoid them. In buying a mobile home park, at some point in the diligence cycle you will have to make the choice to go forward or not. Many buyers can’t get these steps completed because they won’t stop second-guessing their decisions or agreeing that they have even completed their calculations. This is called “paralysis by analysis” – basically avoiding making decisions using the excuse that you are still working on the answer until the opportunity passes.

Listen To Episode 220

Why My Predictions Come True So Often: Episode 219

I am a total skeptic and pessimist. And that adherence to the law of fear has paid huge dividends, as I have developed the ability to see failure ahead of the pack. But it’s not really that hard to make accurate predictions. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss the clear signs of future success and failure and why it’s completely irrational to believe that you are smarter than the universe.

Listen To Episode 219

Tricks To Harness Time: Episode 218

It’s been said that time is our greatest asset as it’s finite and irreplaceable. However, most people do not use their time to its full capacity. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review some practical methods to literally stretch your productive time which, in turn, gives you an important edge in building your mobile home park assets.

Listen To Episode 218

Kung Fu Negotiation Moves: Episode 217

The art of Kung Fu is in maneuvering your opponent’s momentum to achieve the desired result. And this holds true for smart mobile home park buyers, who have learned over the years some Kung Fu tactics of their own. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review these strategies. All of these are win/win – as that’s the best way to buy mobile home parks – but are ingenious and highly effective.

Listen To Episode 217

Can Park Owners Live Off The Land?: Episode 216

America is in real trouble and the odds are extremely high that it will enter a new recession cycle in the near future. When all around you is in shambles, the only way to have confidence is to have a fail-safe back-up plan that works without depending on anyone or anything else. “Living off the land” is the expression for having the ability to fend for yourself without the help of any other group.

Listen To Episode 216

In Times Of Uncertainty Focus On What You Can Control: Episode 215

It seems that America has gone insane. Nothing is on a solid footing, whether it’s the stock market, the single-family home market, the economy, the approach to public health – it’s all on the verge of collapse. In fact, most of the world economists predict a global recession within the next 18 months. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review how you can take proactive steps to garner control over your future.

Listen To Episode 215

Correcting The Record: Episode 214

The mobile home park industry has an unusual public relations strategy. We seemingly let the media abuse us on a regular basis and never offer any pushback. So for all those fake articles that have hit the media of late, this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast provides the actual stats that give conclusive evidence that mobile home parks are the sole solution to the affordable housing crisis.

Listen To Episode 214

Values And Gravity: Episode 213

America is in a unique position on investment returns, suddenly favoring speculation over income investing. And why not? Whether it’s Bitcoin or Tesla, values are simply based on “what people think things are worth” according to Mark Cuban. Whatever happened to the old-fashioned tie-back to earnings? In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss how America has entered the danger zone on valuations and how income-investing is the only way to avoid the inevitable collapse.

Listen To Episode 213

America Will Soon Learn The Concept Of Fightco Score: Episode 212

FICO scores are great when you’re trying to analyze the credit potential of someone buying a yacht on monthly payments. But more millions of Americans the entire concept of “credit rating” is merely theoretical and has no basis on real life. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss what a “Fightco” score is and why that’s a far better measurement of performance.

Listen To Episode 212

Here’s How The War On Landlords Ends: Episode 211

America has a new position on the concept of landlords: take their property without compensation and, better yet, public shame them. That plan of attack is about to backfire in a big way. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review how the “war on landlords” is really going to end and it’s the alternative ending that won’t please the masses.

Listen To Episode 211

Overcoming The Home Manufacturing Crisis: Episode 210

Not too long ago, mobile home park owners could order new homes to fill vacant lots. Now they find that delivery times are far into the future, prices are up $10,000, and some manufacturers even have caps on the number of homes you can order. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss the U.S. home manufacturing crisis and how to overcome this hurdle to fill your vacant lot.

Listen To Episode 210

Quick Charm: Episode 209

When you buy a mobile home park, you are in a race against time to improve it’s appearance for a number of reasons. Higher existing customer retention, higher new resident attraction, better city government relationship and stronger banker satisfaction are all made possible through simple aesthetic improvements. So what are these key improvements that can be made rapidly? That’s the focus of this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast.

Listen To Episode 209

The Perils – And Opportunities – Of Fixing Density: Episode 208

Mobile home parks are known for high density compared to single-family subdivisions (their closest cousin). While this is not a problem most of the time, you can reach a density that causes potential issues with the fire marshal as well as simply moving homes in and out. So what do you do to fix density that is too high in a property? In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review this issue and offer some real-life fixes.

Listen To Episode 208

Surfside And The End Of Investing In Structures: Episode 207

The Surfside condo tower collapse is more than just a tragic tale of the unthinkable occurring. It’s also a wake-up call that there is massive risk in owning large, aging man-made objects and now that this is on the radar, we will now begin a period of bureaucratic over-analysis, a fee-grab by opportunistic engineering and third-party report companies, a liability windfall for personal injury attorneys, the loss of insurance coverage, the collapse of mortgage availability, and the end of life for those sectors of real estate that didn’t see this coming.

Listen To Episode 207

Let Your Residents’ Voices Be Heard: Episode 206

Mobile home park owners rely on happy residents to make their business work. However, sometimes the community manager can be a blockade to the owner’s knowledge of his customer’s satisfaction. Without providing a good value, no mobile home park can succeed, as it will be unable to obtain or retain residents. So how can you keep a constant tab on this feedback?

Listen To Episode 206

We’re Microsoft In 1996: Episode 205

Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1975, and went public in 1986, at a stock price around $1. By 1996, the stock had risen to around $4 per share – a 400% increase in only ten years. Many investors jumped at the chance to sell, thinking that Microsoft had reached its maximum value. Today, Microsoft stock trades at around $250 per share. In many ways, current mobile home park values are like Microsoft stock in 1996; only beginning their ultimate rise.

Listen To Episode 205

Speeding Up The Acquisition Process With A Bucket List: Episode 204

Finding the right mobile home park requires sifting through a huge number of deals, and separating them into two buckets: 1) has the right raw material and 2) does not have the right raw material. But what does that raw material look like. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what makes a deal possible apart from a deal impossible.

Listen To Episode 204