MERIDIAN — When Tiana Hunter moved to the Elm Grove Mobile Home Park in 2017, there were apartments on either side of the park. She remembers homes being built out back in the past few years. Now, developers are planning to put apartments where these mobile homes are.
On June 20, the Meridian City Council approved the developer’s plans, although it will be several years before the apartment phase of their project begins. But for people like Hunter, gentrification is squeezing in on this last patch of affordability in a notoriously expensive city.
“It’s a really peaceful place to live. I really enjoy living here,” said Hunter, sitting...
Our thoughts on this story:
Yet another article about a mobile home park that is being torn down in the near future to make way for an apartment complex. Are you shocked? With apartments at an average rent of $2,000 per month and mobile home park lot rents at an average rent of $300 per month it’s not rocket science as to why this is the most common article theme you’ll find in the news.