Mobile Home Park Investing Videos

Mobile Home Park Investing Articles / Mobile Home Park Investing Audios

The Timeless Science Behind Mobile Home Park Investing

Mobile home park investing is a strategy that stands resilient in good times and bad. In this special Lecture Series event, we delve into the science behind mobile home park investing, demystifying why it's possible to generate profits regardless of interest rates and the direction of the U.S. economy.

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How A Piano Professor Played The Trailer Park Game Perfectly

Hillary from Utah is a college piano professor. She wanted to establish a side income so she went to Boot Camp and bought a mobile home park. Three years later she sold it for a $1 million profit.

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Green Profits In Blue Collar Real Estate

Discover the tectonic shifts transforming our economy in this recording. We delve into the growing significance and appreciation for blue-collar professions in recent times.

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How Abraham Built a 43 Park Empire in Just 5 Years

We interviewed Abraham Anderson a while back when he had become the 100th largest Mobile Home Park Owner. Now he’s at 2,600 lots with 43 parks purchased!

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A Tribute to Sam Zell: America’s #1 Mobile Home Park Owner

We have been huge fans of Sam Zell for decades – even before he entered the mobile home park business in the 1990s. We believe that Zell is the cause of many of the benefits that all mobile home park owners share today.

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Beware of “Ghost Town” Parks

One of the scariest type of parks are the “ghost towns” – a situation where you have a bunch of trailers that are completely abandoned. This is a video I shot of one of these mobile home parks recently.

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0 to 80 in 4 Years: The Amazing Story of Keaton from Wisconsin

We had never had a guest that grew at such phenomenal speed as Keaton from Wisconsin. He started buying mobile home parks in 2019 and had already amassed nearly 80 properties!

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As Easy As 1-2-3: An Explanation of High Mobile Home Park Yields

Here’s the simple playbook to hitting 10% to 20%+ returns with mobile home parks – even in recessions or depressions. It all revolves around using debt as a tool to create higher yields.

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In & Out of Mobile Home Parks with $5 Million Profit

Discover the incredible success story of Gary, a Mobile Home Park Boot Camp graduate who achieved impressive returns in the mobile home park business. We delve into Gary's story and the unique strategies he employed to build a $10 million portfolio with only $140,000 in capital.

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The 2023 Frank & Dave New Year’s Show

On this year's Frank & Dave New Year’s Show, we’re going to be providing an analysis of the status of the industry, predictions for the future, and a host of other essential items for 2023.

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Mobile Home Park "Sweet 16" with Tyler & Jason

Tyler and Jason started with nothing but an idea of buying mobile home parks around 4 years ago, attended Boot Camp, and now own 16 mobile home parks in Arkansas and Florida. How did they do it?

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Case Study: How to Make $939k With 1 Mobile Home Park

One of the best ways to illustrate how the mobile home park business model works is to examine the different parts of a park turn-around and show you the actual amounts of profit each action results in. And while we review the market and the park’s particulars, we show you an HD video of what the park looks like, so you know that we are not talking about 5-star retirement communities here.

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On the Border of Buying Parks and Buying Parks on the Border

Cooper from Texas is a serial entrepreneur who started buying mobile home parks and now owns four with a couple more under contract. All of these are in South Texas which is where he lives.

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The Recession Playbook

Recessions are unpredictable, right? Not if you simply follow the science of past downturns. That’s the focus of this Lecture Series Event. It’s titled “The Recession Playbook,” and it’s a candid discussion of the math and science behind recessions and how past performance data can be overlayed onto the current situation for an educated guess on what will unfold. And the focus, of course, will be on what these predictions mean for the mobile home park industry.

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The Next Generation of Mobile Home Parks

The late Tony Hsieh (founder of Zappos and near-billionaire) had an affection for mobile home parks. One that was so strong he chose to leave his Las Vegas penthouse and become a resident of his trailer park creation called Airstream Village. Tony’s assistant gave us a tour of that property while he was still alive, and what was fascinating was how much effort Tony was putting into trying to perfect the “sense of community” and common areas. His vision was that he wanted all the residents to spend all their time together in a communal area and only go back to their trailers to sleep. The mobile home park was populated with a mixture of tiny homes and Airstreams and even included a communal pet llama.

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3,000 Miles & Counting with Patrick from Alaska

Patrick lives in Alaska yet owns and manages mobile home parks that are roughly 3,000 miles from his home. How is that possible?

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California Dreaming

So you think that buying and turning around mobile home parks in California is impossible? Meet Mitch from Palm Springs who has purchased four parks so far and is going to tell you how he did it.

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Why I Like "Regulated" Industries And Hate Competition

Warren Buffett is a big fan of “moats” that protect your investment, but probably the largest ones in America are industries that are “regulated”, thus constructing the supply of competition. There are only a handful of such business sectors, and I have been fortunate enough to be involved in two of them: billboards and mobile home parks.

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Three MHP Home Runs

In honor of the start of baseball season, our next event is titled “Three Home Runs” and it’s the story of Nevelle from Utah’s fantastic journey from zero mobile home parks before Boot Camp to now three deals purchased.

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A Pessimist's Guide To Mobile Home Park Investing

Before you invest in anything, you need to carefully consider the good and bad aspects and see if it honestly meets your goals. That’s the purpose of this event titled “A Pessimist’s Guide to Mobile Home Park Investing”.

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The Very Serious Business of Refinancing Mobile Home Parks

Would you be better off selling your mobile home park or keeping it through a “cash out” refinancing? How does that process even work? That’s the topic in this case study in which M.J. Vukovich of Bellwether goes step-by-step though the process of refinancing mobile home parks, as gives numerous case studies of how these deals work and the amount of money that was available for “cash out”.

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Young And Retired: The Story of Chris & Jan

Chris and Jan from Louisiana had very definite ideas of what they wanted in a mobile home park investment. And they stuck with those criteria until they found the right parks – and what a great decision that turned out to be.

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The 2021 Frank & Dave Christmas Show

It’s the holiday tradition for those in the mobile home park industry: the Frank & Dave Christmas Show. And this year’s program is ready to warm your heart and give you important information on the most in-demand segment of affordable housing in the U.S.

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The Joy of Being A Mobile Home Park Owner

There are a lot of businesses and real estate assets you can own. But few that give you as much freedom as mobile home parks do. In this event, Frank Rolfe gives you a video review of how owning mobile home parks can give you vast rewards that are greater than just financial.

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A Mobile Home Park Case Study In Indiana

There’s a science to profitably buying and operating mobile home parks, and no better way to understand this science than through case studies. This is a case study of a park we bought, turned-around, operated and sold in Indiana.

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