The Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast

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Welcome to the Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast where you will learn how to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, finance, turn-around and operate mobile home parks! Your host is Frank Rolfe, the 5th largest mobile home park owner in the United State with his partner Dave Reynolds.

What If Johnny Appleseed Owned A Trailer Park?: Episode 178

What are big and green and equally loved and hated by mobile home park owners? The answer, of course, are trees. On the one hand they have beneficial effects both aesthetically and scientifically, and on the other they cause clutter, danger and utility line issues.

Listen To Episode 178

Why Parks May Be The Most Valuable Land In Any City: Episode 177

Mobile home parks may just sit on the most valuable piece of land in any city they serve. A bold statement? Not when you understand the rarely-discussed value of holding the key to infinite zoning. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the amazing land value and potential that virtually all mobile home parks possess and give real-life case studies to support this argument.

Listen To Episode 177

The Simple Science Of Making Money: Episode 176

Science involves distilling events down to a formula – so what is the simple formula for making money with a mobile home park? In this Mobile Home Park Master podcast we’re going to examine what the key profit drivers are and unveil some simple formulas to help you understand the potential that many properties have to deliver significant gains. Unlike calculus, this is math that you get paid for.

Listen To Episode 176

The Potential Impact Of What The Economists Are Saying: Episode 175

Economists are paid to make predictions – and they make a lot of them. Most of them are fairly off base, but when you aggregate them and take the average you start to get a better picture. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast, we’re going to take recent economist surveys regarding the U.S. economy and overlay those on the potential impact to mobile home park investing.

Listen To Episode 175

The Five Historical Eras Of Mobile Home Park Construction: Episode 174

Cars have gone from steam to gas to electric. Planes have gone from propeller, to turboprop to jet. And mobile home parks have also evolved over time. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the basic evolution of the mobile home park and how it impacts investing in this sector.

Listen To Episode 174

What's Really Happening to Our Costumers?: Episode 173

Economic upheaval. Shuttered businesses. Broken dreams. What’s the impact of what’s happening in America right now on mobile home park residents? In this episode of the Mobile home Park Mastery podcast, we’re going to look into the typical mobile home park residents and how they’re faring in one of America’s most difficult times.

Listen To Episode 173

Old Homes: Episode 172

Douglas MacArthur once said “old soldiers never die, they just fade away”. But what about old mobile homes? In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast, we’re going to look into the definition of “old homes”, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how to determine their future.

Listen To Episode 172

Financial Options To Buy Homes To Fill Vacant Lots: Episode 171

One of the key ways to increase the value of any mobile home park is to maximize its occupancy. Filling a vacant lot propels you from zero value to $30,000 to $100,000 of equity based on lot rent. And the only way to fill a vacant lot for most properties is for the park owner to buy the home – new or used – and bring it in themselves to then sell or rent.

Listen To Episode 171

Revisiting The Name Game: Episode 170

I unearthed a copy of the 2015 Journal of Manufactured Housing recently and found the lead article was a debate over what the correct name is for our industry. Yes, that’s how little was going on in mobile home parks back then. In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to revisit the issue of what the correct name for the industry is, with some shocking conclusions.

Listen To Episode 170

Direct Mail: Episode 169

There’s nothing quite like direct mail. A successful direct mail piece has a 99% failure rate – and that’s considered a success. Do you know any other thing in life that counts 1% as a win? In this week’s Mobile Home Park Master podcast we’re going to discuss one of the greatest ways to find parks to buy: the good old-fashioned direct mail.

Listen To Episode 169

Agency Debt: Episode 168

Mobile home parks are one of the big beneficiaries of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac lending. Coming out of nowhere not too long ago, “agency” debt now represents more than 50% of all new mobile home park loans in terms of total dollars. How will this lending powerhouse help reshape the industry in the years ahead, and how can you take advantage of this opportunity?

Listen To Episode 168

Unlocking Your Performance Potential: Episode 167

Wikipedia defines “excellence” as “the quality of being outstanding or extremely good”. All park owners aspire to excellence, but how do you really achieve it? In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast, we’re going to explore how you can trade-in average performance for something much more profitable.

Listen To Episode 167

Geography Revisited: Episode 166

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many things about the U.S. – but does that include the best places to buy mobile home parks? In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to examine how changes to America post-virus are impacting different parts of the nation in relation to affordable housing and other challenges. The U.S. is in a state of turmoil on many fronts, but is mobile home park geography one of them?

Listen To Episode 166

Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire: Episode 165

When a mobile home park has bad financial records or poor occupancy, it’s a pretty good guess that there are other problems lurking. In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to examine some of the typical “skeletons in the closet” regarding poorly managed properties – including items above ground, underground, and regarding the residents. As you’ll see, there is often a chain reaction of problems in a mobile home park when bad management is evident. And you need to budget and plan for these probabilities so you don’t get taken advantage of.

Listen To Episode 165

Park Layouts And What They Mean: Episode 164

We all know the trends in fashion, from the 1920’s spats to the 1960’s Nehru jacket to the 1970’s bell-bottoms. But do you know the trends in mobile home park design and what they can mean as an owner? In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss some of the most basic mobile home park design trends and what their strengths and weaknesses are. As you’ll see, mobile home park builders changed the product up considerably over the decades – and not always to the good.

Listen To Episode 164

Megatrends Revisited: Episode 163

In the 1982 John Naisbitt coined the term “Megatrends” to describe the major upheavals in American society that would influence the future for decades. But that was nearly 40 years ago. Since that time, many have already come and gone. So I’m going to make a new list of the megatrends that are ramping up in America and how they may impact the mobile home park as an investment vehicle. Grab your model of the Starship Enterprise because we’re going to look way into the future for direction on what 

Listen To Episode 163

The “Detached Apartment” Model: Episode 162

There are around 44,000 mobile home parks in the U.S., and not all of them are following the same business model. While the vast majority of park buyers and lenders are focused on the “renting land” model, there are some who engage in the “detached apartment” concept. But does that concept work? In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast, we’re going to examine this business model and give its strengths and weaknesses, as well as moments in which it might work and settings in which it would fail. Warning: this knowledge may change your perception.

Listen To Episode 162

“Skin In The Game”: Episode 161

The slang term “skin in the game” is defined by Wikipedia as “one having an incurred risk (monetary or otherwise) by being involved in achieving a goal”. It was made popular by Warren Buffett, who prefers that high level officers in a company have direct money in the venture to ensure their alignment of priorities with investors. So who really has “skin in the game” regarding mobile home park investing, and who is lacking that alignment of interests with you when you write that earnest money check? In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore this topic in detail, and define who is really on your team vs. those who could care less after the closing has occurred.

Listen To Episode 161

Understanding The Game Plan For Cash-Out Refinancing: Episode 160

“Cash out” refinancing is extremely attractive to all investors, as it allows you to “recycle” your capital over and over to build a portfolio of properties. Or it also allows you to remove all risk from any certain deal and gives you cash to build a financial safety net. Whatever the goals may be, obtaining “cash out” is somewhat of an art form, and there are certain strategies required to achieve it. In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss this game plan regarding “cash out” and what the deals look like that carry that potential.

Listen To Episode 160

The Right And Wrong Way To Keep In Touch With Your Residents: Episode 159

You may call your mother weekly, but that’s not the appropriate way to check in with the residents of your mobile home park. Instead, there are systems that have been developed to keep in touch but in a structured way that it best for the owner and residents alike. So what are the correct and incorrect way to stay in touch? In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review how smart owners stay on top of resident contact.

Listen To Episode 159

All Mobile Homes Come With A Hitch: Episode 158

To get a mobile home from Point A to Point B you have to haul it – and you need a hitch to make that possible. But what about after it arrives? In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery pocast, we’re going to dig deep into the facts about these “hitches” and the best policies regarding them going forward. Until mobile homes come with engines and drivetrain, then hitches will be a fact of life for all mobile home park owners, so it’s time to discuss the topic.

Listen To Episode 158

Before And After Closing: Episode 157

When buying a mobile home park, the most important moment is the transition of the property from the old owner to you, which typically happens at the title company upon signing of a pile of documents. So what can you do to make this transition more smooth and successful. In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review the key items to do before and after closing to make for a happier and less stressful community ownership change.

Listen To Episode 157

Old-Timer Wisdom: Episode 156

We all associate age with wisdom, and rightfully so. Nobody knows more about any subject than those that have experienced it – particularly through many cycles. And I am forever indebted to those older mobile home park community owners who gave me words of wisdom in my early career, and still do so for new investors on a regular basis. So what is some of this old-timer wisdom? In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review some of the best thoughts of experienced owners and how they relate to today’s mobile home park industry.

Listen To Episode 156

The Harsh Realities Of Supply And Demand: Episode 155

Back when I was an economics student at Stanford in the 1980s, the most important theory that would help on any essay was the law of supply and demand. It’s a simple concept: if you have greater supply than demand then prices go down, and greater demand than supply makes prices go up. Never in American history has this economic treatise had more meaning or more unhappy endings. In this week’s Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss how supply and demand are shaping all sectors of U.S. real estate and mobile home parks in particular.

Listen To Episode 155

Speaking Softly But Carrying A Big Stick: Episode 154

President Teddy Roosevelt was a supporter of “Big Stick” diplomacy, which he defined as having five traits. In this week’s episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review Roosevelt’s premise and apply its wisdom to your mobile home park. Although Roosevelt died in 1919 –a decade before the first “trailer” rolled off the manufacturing line – his thoughts are as true today as they were in the early 20th century.

Listen To Episode 154