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Washington State Department of Commerce: Report: Lack of affordable housing options reaches critical levels in communities throughout Washington state


Olympia, Washington – The lack of affordable housing options has reached critical levels in communities throughout Washington, according to the recently released Affordable Housing Advisory Board (AHAB) Five-Year Housing Advisory Plan. The AHAB report highlights the need for action, detailing that the state must add over a million new homes within the next 20 years to meet current need and accommodate population growth. This widely quoted estimate of housing needs was reported last year.

The Housing Advisory Plan emphasizes that nearly half of the new homes required in the coming decades must be affordable to households earning less than...

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Our thoughts on this story:

If you google up rent control in Washington state, you’ll see the catalyst that drives woke writers crazy:

House Bill 2114 (HB 2114), otherwise known as rent control, that passed the Washington State House of Representatives February 13 on a party line vote, appears to have died in the Senate and failed to pass out of committee.

Look, I know the “free rent” advocates almost choked to death on their kale salad when it turned out that Washington state bureaucrats were not as woke as they hoped, but please give this issue a rest for a few years and then try again. Rent control is just not coming to Washington state at this point. Not even close. Sorry.


WTSP: Residents at manufactured home parks sound alarm over rising lot lease fees


SAFETY HARBOR, Fla. — Owners of manufactured homes reached out to 10 Tampa Bay over a dramatic rise in the monthly cost of the lot lease prices.

The increase hits these homeowners especially hard because most people are paying a mortgage on the home on top of the monthly lease they pay to the park for the land. A home is supposed to be an asset but for these homeowners, it's quickly becoming a burden. 

Sonia Hass and her husband live at Amber Glades in Safety Harbor but she doesn't know if they'll be able to keep affording the land beneath their home.

“The greed is just insane,” she says. “They have no concern for the people that...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This year, park owners proposed a $100 increase to her nearly $900-a-month lot lease. Park owners can raise rates if they match the Consumer Price Index. Inflation has given license to raise lease prices as much as the market will bear. “Now people have to decide well, ‘do I take that off of my food?’” she says. “’Or do I take that off of my prescriptions?’”

Why is all this “attitude” focused only on mobile home park lot rents? Under Biden we have seen 30% increases in prices in three years. Gas is double and so are groceries. Why are those increases fine but mobile home park lot rent increases (at an actually lower percentage) are abhorrent? I’m sick and tired of this false narrative.


The Berkshire Edge: West Stockbridge mobile-home park tenants score following the West Stockbridge Rent Control Board’s negligible rent increase


West Stockbridge — Tenants of the Residences on Mill Pond mobile-home park at 40 Albany Road in West Stockbridge can now breathe a sigh of relief following the town’s Rent Control Board decision on May 8 that upped their monthly fees by less than $2.

For the past two months, the West Stockbridge Select Board has convened as the town’s Rent Control Board in accordance with its governance. The subject of the three meetings, including two public hearings, has been a Petition for Rent Adjustment, a proposed rate hike that would have tripled the rent for tenants from $241 per month currently to $797.51 per month.

The proposal wasn’t novel for...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Tenants of the Residences on Mill Pond mobile-home park at 40 Albany Road in West Stockbridge can now breathe a sigh of relief following the town’s Rent Control Board decision on May 8 that upped their monthly fees by less than $2.

Here’s a message to the West Stockbridge Rent Control Board: “when the owner tears the park down and displaces all 35 residents, you morons are directly responsible”. What idiot would think that another year of Bidenomics yielded only $2 of additional expenses for the park owner? Inflation is running closer to 10% than 1%. If the new attitude of the Rent Control Board is that rents can no longer provide decent rates of return on mobile home park investing, then there won’t be any mobile home parks left in West Stockbridge a couple years from now. But was that their actual plan all along? Probably. And the tenants fell right into their trap.


Lynwood Times: Lynnwood manufactured homeowners stuck with rising rents and nowhere to go


Additionally, these homes were built prior to 1979 and are therefore prohibited to relocate due to an existing state law—at risk of irreparable structural damages. With many of the community’s residents being senior citizens living on a fixed income or low income, or both, increasing rents may force them to surrender their homes indefinitely and struggle to find a new place to live, even if that means the streets.

The average cost of a manufactured home in Washington state is approximately $135,000 according to Most of Royalwood’s residents cashed in their pension to purchase their homes believing it would be an...

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Our thoughts on this story:

“You can’t move the home, ‘mobile’ is a huge misnomer,”said Dickens. “That home is built, created, made to be placed in one spot and not moved and that becomes a real challenge for manufactured homeowners who are constantly facing economic eviction through the ever-increasing rents. ”Dickens often refers to manufactured homeowners as “prisoners in their own homes” because they do not have the ability to move and are constantly at the mercy of predatory landlords who “seem to want to nickel and dime them through various fees and charges and an ever-increasing rent.”

So let me get this straight. You can’t afford the cost of housing and the only solution is to jack your home up, re-attach the hitch, call a mover, and down the highway you go into the sunset? How about just putting it on the market and selling it like all home and condo owners do? If you move your mobile home the lot rent will all be about the same no matter where you go, and you will have wasted thousands of dollars in moving the home for no purpose. If you live in Washington you’d have to move the home several states over to find a cheaper place to live. Instead just sell the mobile home and move somewhere that you can actually afford, even if that means moving to an apartment in Kentucky.


KCRG: Iowa mobile home park closes storm shelter leaving residents with few options


NEWTON, Iowa (WOI) - Jasper County has been hit with two tornadoes so far this year.

Both times, people in the Sunrise Terrace mobile home park in Newton have used a storm shelter to stay safe.

But now, management says the shelter is closing, leaving people with few options.

Residents have not been told why the storm shelter is closing, so many people are frustrated and concerned about the next round of severe weather.


According to Iowa Code in Newton, mobile home parks are required to provide storm shelter facilities.

Leaders with Jasper County Emergency Management say they just recently heard about the closure, and are working on a...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Classic lie:

Trailers do give a unique issue when it comes to severe weather because they’re just not built to withstand even 70 mile an hour winds, we usually see those flip or start to come apart pretty easily.

Wow, somebody needs to get a hold of HUD because a mobile home going down the highway already has winds of 55 mph to start with and, if it’s going into a headwind of 30 mph, then it’s facing 85 mph winds and will apparently “come apart pretty easily”. I guess HUD needs to require mobile homes to be shipped only at 30 mph and on perfectly calm days!

The truth is that mobile homes are built perfectly fine and do about as well as stick-built homes in a tornado – they both get shredded. I live in the Missouri Ozarks and I have seen first-hand tornado damage and when a 200 mph wind hits a brick house it’s pulverized. Everything is.


FOX 17: Mobile home owners demanding better safety regulations following tornado damage


PORTAGE, Mich. — Residents in the Pavilion Estates mobile home park near Portage returned to the scene of Tuesday night's storms, some picking up the few remaining pieces of their life as they search for a new place to live.

Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller reported late Tuesday night 176 homes or properties in Pavilion Township were damaged, 15-17 of which were completely destroyed. Up to 20 people were injured, but miraculously, no one lost their life.

According to the National Weather Service, mobile homes that are not appropriately tied down are vulnerable to 50 mile-per-hour winds. Tuesday night's twister was measured as an...

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Our thoughts on this story:

A few years ago there was a booth at the MHI show in Vegas that sold a storm shelter that goes under the mobile home deck for around $10,000. And now there’s one from Home Depot that’s around $4,000.

Anyone would know that a successful storm shelter is going to require close proximity to your home, like your basement. People are not going to run in the wind, rain and hail to a shelter 400 yards away in the mobile home park. But they will walk 5’ out of their home when they feel the tornado is near. That’s why mobile home park shelters are a stupid idea and these personal shelters are totally the answer. It is then up to the tenant whether or not they want to spend the money on it.


Erie News Now: Local Mobile Home Park Residents Return to State Capitol to Continue Fighting Against Rising Lot Fees


Affording a home. For many people it's a life goal. What happens when you own your home but not the ground it sits on?

That's the reality of thousands of mobile home park residents in Pennsylvania. Two of them from Erie County made a third trip to Harrisburg this week, on their own dime. They are fighting a hike in lot fees.

Scenes like this exist all over Pennsylvania. This one in Erie County named Summit Heights, was purchased by the same owners who also now own Lexington Heights, in Erie County's Belle Valley Area.

Erie News Now has talked with residents at both parks who feel the out of town ownership and overall management is:...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Three residents driving to the capitol is not exactly a groundswell of support. I could get three people to petition for virtually anything from demanding that the average work week be reduced to one day or that only chocolate be served as lunch at all public schools or even that cars should be outlawed and replaced by mules.

The correct title would be:


Jacobin: Trailer Park Residents Are Forming Cooperatives


Bev Adrian, a retired career placement counselor for people with disabilities, lives in Woodlawn Terrace, a mobile home park just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota. The nearby streets are full of bustling local commerce — a Sota Boys Smoke Shop, a Pump N Munch Gas — but Woodlawn is a quiet park tucked away under maples and pines. Adrian moved there four years ago, coincidentally right as Woodlawn’s owner was looking to sell. Woodlawn’s landlord was well liked, but for years Woodlawn’s residents had been hearing rumors about possible sales to much less friendly owners.

“People lived here in fear,” Adrian says, “because these places are just...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Across the country, residents of mobile homes are organizing to buy and cooperatively run their communities, with government help, to protect themselves from landlords known for jacking up rents and neglecting infrastructure.

I respect that “all’s fair in love and war” but can we please remove the most ridiculous part of the above mantra of the “free rent” movement folks: “neglecting infrastructure”? That’s because professional landlords do anything BUT neglect infrastructure. On the contrary they are the ONLY ONES injecting the capital needed to bring old parks back to life. This is mandated under their loan covenants among other items, and I am yet to see a single example of this ever being the case.

I guess the problem is that the “free rent” movement people can’t come up with anything to complain about other than rents going up so they invented that false claim to have at least two points to complain about.

The correct title might be:


However, that’s not really accurate, either. Because the stats prove that tenant-owned communities have rents that rise just as fast – or faster – than those of professionally owned ones. Additionally, the residents get lousy management and failing infrastructure when the tenants are at the controls. It’s all just a game of smoke and mirrors in which spotlight-seeking non-profits offer short-term subsidies that never last (just ask the city of Palo Alto which quietly shut down their resident-owned community after a few years) just to get 5 minutes of fame.

So the truthful headline would be:


South Floride Sun Sentinel: Fort Lauderdale upgrade? 978-unit apartment complex could take place of old-time trailer park


FORT LAUDERDALE — A mammoth apartment complex with enough units for nearly 1,000 families would bring new life to a forlorn property that served as one of Fort Lauderdale’s largest mobile home parks for nearly six decades.

The Pan American Estates trailer park, once home to more than 200 families, would be transformed by a new 25-acre development that calls for 10 buildings ranging from five to eight stories. The land at 150 NW 68th St. sits south of McNab Road and west of Andrews Avenue, several blocks north of Cypress Creek Road not far from the Pompano Beach border.

The 978-unit project would be completed in 2031 and developed in three...

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Our thoughts on this story:

People always ask why I am able to predict the future with such accuracy. It’s simply because I try to employ common sense. I wrote about a decade ago that mobile home parks – in the absence of doubling or tripling lot rent – would all ultimately be bulldozed to make way for apartments. The reason is simple. You can stack apartments four or five high on the same ground space as one mobile home park lot. So here’s the reality of that prediction coming to fruition in Fort Lauderdale where one single 200 lot mobile home park can hold 978 new luxury apartments.

The correct title to this article should be:


Jefferson Public Radio: California mobile home park residents face persistent PFAS water contamination


Man-made chemicals known as PFAS, which stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are used to make a lot of modern products. They’ve also been linked to health impacts including cancer. Despite legislation, addressing PFAS contamination at small water systems remains a challenge in California.

Kimberlee has lived at the Friendly Acres Mobile Home Park in Red Bluff, California for over 30 years.

She has plenty of fond memories of this place, near a bend in the Sacramento River and surrounded by walnut and olive tree fields in Tehama County. Just behind the property is a ranch that’s home to the famous bucking bull Red Rock, who she...

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Our thoughts on this story:

From the same folks that brought you Covid-mania comes the new item we should all fear: PFAS. I’ve never heard of it before, but I did find this first item on Google of interest:

The industrial use of PFAS – sometimes called “forever chemicals”, since they don't degrade in nature – has been so prevalent in the last decades that 99 percent of all humans, including fetuses, have measurable levels of PFAS in their bloodstreams.

If 99% of all Americans already have PFAS then exactly what are we worried about? I looked up Missouri and PFAS is not even regulated in my state nor do they believe it poses any health risk at all. So I guess the correct title would be:


Times-Call: Boulder County to repair some homes in mobile home parks


Boulder County has initiated a pilot program that will repair and rehabilitate more than 30 homes in Boulder’s Columbine and Orchard Grove mobile home parks.

Mobile home communities often house lower-income residents, and many homes in these communities are older and in need of repairs. Last year, Boulder County officials surveyed hundreds of local mobile and manufactured home park residents in Longmont and Lafayette and found that more than more than half of respondents (59%) said their homes were in fair to poor condition.

That survey also showed mobile home park residents are disproportionately people of color, primarily Latino, and...

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Our thoughts on this story:

It seems like a good idea, until you see how much they allocated to the program:

The county has set aside $400,000 in American Rescue Plan Act dollars for the project.

At an average renovation cost of $10,000 (and you know the non-profits will blow that up to around $50,000) you’re talking so few homes that it’s not even really worth mentioning.

The correct title should be:


Fredericksburg Free Press: Caroline trailer park residents feel like ‘yesterday’s trash’ after sudden eviction notices


May was supposed to be a celebratory month for Tanya Rowan’s family as the fifth of her six children prepares to graduate from Caroline High School. 

The Rowan family was planning to host a graduation party at their trailer home in the Hill Mobile Home Park, situated between Team Carolina BBQ and the Bowling Green landfill off A.P. Hill Boulevard. 

But plans quickly changed for Rowan earlier this spring when she received an eviction notice. 

“My baby is about to graduate, but she burst into tears because I said we can’t afford [a gathering],” Rowan said. “They can’t enjoy anything right now because they don’t know if they’re going to have...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Let’s cut through the B.S. and get right to the point:

She recently received notice from Virginia Housing that no waiting lists to use a Housing Choice Voucher are currently open. 

The failure of this woman to find housing -- despite being on disability with five kids -- falls on the failure of Federal and state government NOT ON THE MOBILE HOME PARK OWNER. All that’s going on here is that you’ve got a person that can’t find housing in normal society and will only be able to get shelter via a subsidy program which the government cannot afford to expand. Here’s what the correct title to this article should be:


Petaluma Argus Courier: Petaluma’s Little Woods residents brace for more change as arbitration ends


On an overcast morning in late April, about 30 residents from Petaluma’s Little Woods Mobile Villa filed onto a bus headed for Stockton.

The group was going to their mobile home park’s property management offices to picket proposed rent hikes of over 300% and threats of park closure. The April 23 demonstration coincided with the first day of arbitration hearings where the fate of their proposed rent hikes would be determined.

Some of these residents have lived at Little Woods for decades, raising their children and grandchildren in the all-ages park. Residents, many Spanish speaking or bilingual, include teachers, construction workers,...

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Our thoughts on this story:

You can already see where this is headed.
The correct title would be:

The Guardian: ‘It’s like winning the lottery’: the mobile home owners buying the land they live on


Bev Adrian, a retired career placement counselor for people with disabilities, lives in Woodlawn Terrace, a mobile home park just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota. The nearby streets are full of bustling local businesses – a Sota Boys Smoke Shop, a Pump N Munch Gas – but Woodlawn is a quiet park tucked away under maples and pines.

Adrian moved there four years ago, coincidentally right as Woodlawn’s owner was looking to sell. Woodlawn’s landlord was well liked, but for years the park’s residents had been hearing rumors about possible sales to much less friendly owners.

“People lived here in fear,” Adrian says, “because these places are...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Ah, the Guardian. What a great publication – at least when it comes to losing money. These folks can’t help but lose more money year after year. Here’s the current results straight from Google:

The publisher told staff in a quarterly update, seen by Press Gazette, that it anticipated a cash outflow of approximately £39m in the 2023/24 financial year (which runs to the end of March), versus £17m in the previous year, due to the revenue decline and cost of investment in technology.Feb 12, 2024

Maybe the reason that nobody reads or advertises in the Guardian is that the reporters are very bad at what they do. Check out this example of such basic errors:

Mobile home parks, also known as trailer parks, are officially and more accurately called manufactured housing parks. Prefab homes are substantial constructions; once placed in a park, more than 80% of them are never moved.

The writer can’t even figure out the correct name of “manufactured housing community” and that the homes are anything but defined as “prefab”. Even scarier that person’s boss can’t even figure it out as I assume they at least attempt to fact check the stuff they print.

Later in the same article they take great offense at my statement from some past article or speech that “there’s a huge number of poor people and there’s more poor people, like, every day.” I’m not sure how that’s shocking since the U.S. government’s own stats confirm that “there are more poor people every day”. Here are the numbers, straight from Google: “The U.S. poverty rate saw its largest one-year increase in history in 2022 wth 12.4% of Americans now living in poverty. According to new 2022 data from the U.S. census, this is an increase from 7.4% in 2021.

The correct title for this article would be:


ABC12: Thetford Township mobile home park operating without a license


THETFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WJRT)- A Genesee County community wants action and answers, claiming they've dealt with poor conditions for too long.

ABC12 has learned the owners of the North Morris Estates Mobile Home Park in Thetford Township are operating without a license and are under investigation by the Michigan State Police.

"This is what it looks like on a good day," said longtime resident Theo Gantos as he held up a mason jar of brown water.

He said he and his wife have to filter and purify their water constantly.

That is when it even works.

According to Gantos, the community is a victim of frequent water outages.

"Residents have to...

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Our thoughts on this story:

So the new owner buys a dilapidated mobile home park and attempts to bring it back to life, and even provides a very accurate narrative of the project and the goals:

Since purchasing North Morris Estates MHC, we have renovated many homes, added new homes, removed all unsalvageable homes, are in the process of completing multiple major utility infrastructure repairs, and also catching up on years of other deferred maintenance inherited from previous ownership. We are working closely with all regulatory agencies to ensure the community is brought into and remains in compliance. We also have a strict entrance process to ensure all residents meet our guidelines, adhere to fair housing laws and will agree to be an important part of a quiet and enjoyable neighborhood. We are excited about the progress we are making and appreciate the positive feedback we have received. We look forward to continuing to work with the surrounding community to make North Morris Estates MHC a great place to live.

The new owner did not create the park’s current condition, instead they are the solution. Meanwhile the residents seemed determined to try and get back at the new owners for raising rents and demanding that rules be obeyed. The buyer is a well-known and well-respected park operator and the park looks very nice in the photos. Clearly, common sense would tell you that what’s really going on here is that the residents hope to gain an advantage by pretending that the park is in abhorrent condition and the state and city seem to be totally on-board with all of this manipulation. What the residents will soon find out is that the city is more than happy to get this park torn down and redeveloped into a nicer use and they have effectively given them the ammunition they always dreamed of to do so.

The correct title to this article would be:


Cape Cod Times: Pocasset mobile home residents take buyer claim to Appeals Court


Pocasset Park residents are challenging a ruling by the Barnstable Superior Court designating Crown, a Wyoming investment firm, as the rightful buyer of the Bourne mobile home park in the latest chapter of the four-year-long legal battle.

The Pocasset Park Association claimed the trial court imposed a heightened burden of proof during April 17 oral arguments in the Massachusetts Appeals Court. The association also claimed in its appeal brief that a “mathematical error” occurred in the trial court.

The right of first refusal requires residents to provide “reasonable evidence” that at least 51% of homes in the community approve the sale,...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I’m not sure who’s giving legal advice to these residents – or paying the bill – but here are their odds on appeal:

The losing side can then elect to petition the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. However, the SJC only accepted 12 of the 393 further appellate review applications considered in 2023.

I’m sure some non-profit is behind all of this, but when your odds of even having the appeal picked up by the court is 3%, it’s probably not a great idea to spend $50,000+ in legal fees to give it a try.

This case is simple. I wrote about this same story months ago. The bottom line is that the residents did not even come close to having enough verified signatures to trigger the right of first refusal. The judge had no difficulty in telling them so.

The correct headline would be:


Sun Sentinel: Mobile home park’s end worsens housing crisis | Letters to the editor


I am deeply troubled by the closure of Pan American Estates Mobile Home Park in Fort Lauderdale and feel compelled to speak out about the urgent need for action to address the affordable housing crisis. The scenes described in the Sun Sentinel article paint a picture of displacement and gentrification.

As someone deeply invested in the well-being of our city, it concerns me to see over 200 families forced out for another upscale residential development. The loss of affordable housing options such as mobile home parks is becoming all too common in Broward, and Pan American’s closing is a glaring example of this troubling trend. It’s clear...

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Our thoughts on this story:

As someone deeply invested in the well-being of our city, it concerns me to see over 200 families forced out for another upscale residential development. The loss of affordable housing options such as mobile home parks is becoming all too common in Broward, and Pan American’s closing is a glaring example of this troubling trend. It’s clear that profit often takes precedence over residents’ needs. Rezoning to allow for more units at higher density only exacerbates the issue, pushing out those who can least afford alternative housing. The city must monitor and follow up on what happens to these families, ensuring that they are placed in situations equal to or better than previous conditions. It’s unacceptable to expect individuals barely surviving to uproot their lives with weeks’ notice.


Without much, much higher lot rents, you’re going so see a ton more parks reach the same fate as Pan American Mobile Home Park. As far as the former residents are concerned, they will need to adapt to the reality of the U.S. housing market and, if necessary, move to a cheaper place to live. The new mindset that the government should take care of everyone only has one huge flaw: the U.S. government is flat broke and can’t even afford to support those that it already has a commitment to. I believe the Section 8 waiting list is now something like three years or more. When America is no longer $35 trillion in debt, but actually has no debt and a surplus, then you can throw out ideas like the government making sure that every person has a nice home to live in and food on the table. Switzerland, which has no debt, can make things like that happen. We are currently the poorest nation in the world based on indebtedness and for some weird reason people still think that Uncle Sam is their rich relative who lives under a bridge in a tent because he’s just eccentric.

Urban Land: Tiny Houses with a Big Impact: Veterans Community Project Combats Homelessness


America’s 36,000 homeless veterans, who constitute roughly 5 percent of the homeless population, deserve to move from homeless to housed as much as any affected group. Many homeless veterans have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); and every day, 18 homeless veterans commit suicide. Most are not connected to any support services, indicating that homeless veterans need far better services.

Relatively few homeless veterans—ranging from 25 percent to 40 percent, depending upon the transitional housing facility—move from temporary housing to permanent housing.

Enter the Veterans Community Project, a charitable organization founded in 2016...

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Our thoughts on this story:


’m not going to say one bad thing about this concept, because this is a smart strategic plan and they are doing a good job. In my opinion, this is the template for how to truly help these people: merging tiny homes with a sense of shared community. And I’m glad this is devoted to veterans as I think they need to be rewarded for doing some of the tough work that civilians cannot even imagine. That being said, this is not a mobile home story as these units are built on concrete foundations and cannot, by definition, go in mobile home parks.

OPB: Residents will own soon-to-reopen mobile home park that was destroyed in 2020 wildfire


This past weekend, community members celebrated the official groundbreaking of the first cooperatively owned mobile home park formed in the Rogue Valley. This fall, families will be returning after the 2020 Almeda Fire destroyed most of the park.

Talent Mobile Estates was a tight-knit group of around 100 households. But when the Almeda Fire destroyed most of the homes, that community was scattered.

Alma Rico lives in one of around 10 homes that didn’t burn down. She said she’s looking forward to her community moving back to the park, including her father.

“We’re rebuilding, but it seemed like it was never going to happen,” Rico said....

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Our thoughts on this story:

Erica Ledesma co-founded the nonprofit Coalicion Fortaleza, the organization that helped turn this park into a resident-owned cooperative. She said that will be a major tool in rebuilding the community because residents will have a say in how the park is operated. Residents will be able to choose whether or not to be a part of the cooperative. But, Ledesma said opting in will likely come with perks, like a slightly lower rent and getting to have a say in park operations. Ledesma said the rent for mobile home spaces will likely start at under $700 per month. Those funds will pay off the state loan used to purchase the park from its original owners and to pay for a management company to help with things like landscaping, utilities and maintenance. She said rent in resident-owned communities typically doesn’t go up and in all likelihood, the rent will decrease as the loan is paid off in the coming years. The modest manufactured homes that are being installed were funded through a state grant. They’ll be gifted to the new homeowners. Ledesma said first priority will be given to survivors who lost their own manufactured home in the Almeda Fire.


Taking a nod from the EV industry, this deal has so many subsidies and grants that it’s really unclear who is shouldering the burden and when the bill even actually comes due. As I’ve said for years now, all of these non-profit deals are absolutely dependent on handouts from various groups and everything sounds great until one of them loses interest and then the whole deal goes on the market for sale to a real buyer. It’s going to be really interesting to see how many of these deals – held together with non-profit chewing gum, duct tape and chicken wire – are still in operation a decade from now. As with the resident-owned deal in Palo Alto and San Souci in last week’s issue, none of these transactions should be viewed as a permanent fix.

State of Reform: Maryland governor signs bills aiming to increase access to affordable housing


Maryland Gov. Wes Moore signed three affordable housing bills into law: House Bill 538 (the Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024); HB 599 (the Housing and Community Development Financing Act of 2024); and HB 693 (the Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024). The bills fall in line with the Moore Administration’s goal of making the state a more affordable place to live and work. 

During a bill-signing ceremony, Moore said building a stronger housing market is needed to address a housing shortage of 96,000 units statewide.  

“We made the choice to put housing front-and-center this year because we know this issue can’t...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore signed three affordable housing bills into law: House Bill 538 (the Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024); HB 599 (the Housing and Community Development Financing Act of 2024); and HB 693 (the Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024). The bills fall in line with the Moore Administration’s goal of making the state a more affordable place to live and work. 


Give it up, Wes. There’s no way you can legislate “affordable housing” into existence. It’s the red tape that Maryland has created that makes housing impossibly unaffordable. If you really want to help, then just abolish all the housing regulations and let the free market do its thing – don’t announce even more bureaucratic roadblocks to capitalism. I’m sure Wes knows better but it’s time to buy votes again and this agenda will go absolutely nowhere after the press releases go out, and everybody knows it. Welcome to election season in America!

9news: Denver's first community-owned mobile home park closes on sale


DENVER — The dedication of a small community, and the tenacity it took to fight for their homes have paid off in a big way. 

Around 80 Westwood families, at one of the last remaining mobile home parks in Denver, are calling this moment historic. They're now the first community-owned mobile home park in Denver, according to the nonprofits Justice for the People Legal Center and Sharing Connexion.

On Tuesday, Sharing Connexion officially closed on the sale of the mobile home park. The nonprofit has a real-estate rescue program and were voted to become interim owners. Together with residents, and Justice for the People Legal Center, they...

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Our thoughts on this story:

On Tuesday, Sharing Connexion officially closed on the sale of the mobile home park. The nonprofit has a real-estate rescue program and were voted to become interim owners. Together with residents, and Justice for the People Legal Center, they were able to secure the $11.5 million needed to purchase the park, preserving their homes and community. Sharing Connexion will be the interim owner of the park for 1-3 years, until the residents are able to manage and operate it on their own.


This deal probably has about a three-year shelf life. Nobody buys a park on a structure this flimsy. All it will take is one of these non-profits to get cold feet or lose interest and the whole thing is back on the market looking for a legitimate buyer. Considering the fact that the residents will never vote to raise rents and will refuse to evict their neighbors for non-payment, the odds of this deal surviving long are not good.

Langley Advance Times: Residents fear homelessness if Mission mobile home park closes


Residents of a mobile home park in Mission are fearful for their future with the potential closure of the park looming.

Ken Babichuk has been living at the Grove Mobile Home Park off Lougheed Highway for four years. He said he plans to live there until he dies.

However, his options would be limited should the park close to make way for a new development.

“I’ll become homeless,” Babichuk said.

There are 25 homes at the Grove and over 35 residents — all of whom are seniors. Dave Nash, who has lived at the Grove for three years, says homelessness is a possibility for most residents.

“It’s a very real risk with a good number of people in the...

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The newest owners of the property sent a letter to residents by mail on March 7 informing them of plans to redevelop the mobile home park into a multi-family residential and commercial project. According to the letter, the owners are targeting 2025 for the beginning of construction and have completed a pre-application review with City of Mission planning staff.


Absolutely nobody at city hall is going to mind tearing down a dilapidated trailer park to make room for a nice, new mixed-use development. They will give whatever zoning is needed to ensure a mobile home park is torn down. That’s why park residents – and politicians – need to understand that only higher lot rents hold back the wrecking ball. You either get much, much higher lot rents or homelessness. There is no third option.

The U.S. Sun: FORCED OUT I’m facing no other choice but to demolish my tiny home of 49 years after eviction threat – I’ve done nothing wrong


A TINY home resident said she has been forced off the land her family home has been on and could have to demolish it.

Marjorie Begay said residents of a trailer park village in Moab, Utah, by the state border with Colorado, were told they would face eviction by July 1.

The Walnut Lane Trailer Park was built six years ago by the City of Moab as an affordable housing project.

Residents were notified on April 17 that the site would be removed and their leases would not be renewed.

Moab City, through a Facebook post, cited an issue with insuring the trailer park after June 30.

“Our insurance carrier notified us last month that they will not...

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The Walnut Lane Trailer Park was built six years ago by the City of Moab as an affordable housing project. Residents were notified on April 17 that the site would be removed and their leases would not be renewed.


OK, here’s what I was talking about in those earlier articles. This supposedly great non-profit-owned community deal lasted a whopping six years before the city pulled the plug on it. Maybe all these politicians and others who promote these non-profit fantasies are unaware, BUT THE AVERAGE MORTGAGE ON A MOBILE HOME PARK LASTS FOR 30 YEARS! If you don’t have your non-profit subsidies locked on for three decades then quit pretending these deals have any future at all!

WBIR: 'There's no place to rent' || Maryville homeowners running out of options as eviction date looms


MARYVILLE, Tenn. — Maryville homeowners in the Thornhill Mobile Home Community said they're scrambling as their eviction date inches closer.

An attorney told 10News this week that the mobile homes of people who've been evicted from living on rented lots can eventually be turned over to the landlord. 

10News spoke to people in the community earlier this month, who said they were shocked to receive eviction notices in March. Not everyone at the park is being evicted,  but homeowners said most people who own mobile homes rent the land the homes sit on. 

Legal Aid of East Tennessee Attorney Darrell Winfree said he's been helping some...

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"I've called, I've went and looked, there's no place to rent," she said. "Unless you have three times your income. And we are on a fixed income. And we don't make that kind of money.


Yes, that’s right. You will not find any place in America where you can live if you can’t show at least three times that amount in income. That leaves you with three options: 1) move to a less expensive place to live 2) earn more money or 3) get on a government program such as Section 8. Anyone who tells you differently is lying to you.

The Lever: The Homeowners’ Rebellion


Bev Adrian, a retired career placement counselor for people with disabilities, lives in Woodlawn Terrace, a mobile home park just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota. The nearby streets are full of bustling local commerce — a Sota Boys Smoke Shop, a Pump N Munch Gas — but Woodlawn is a quiet park tucked away under maples and pines. Adrian moved there four years ago, coincidentally right as Woodlawn’s owner was looking to sell. Woodlawn’s landlord was well liked, but for years Woodlawn’s residents had been hearing rumors about possible sales to much less friendly owners. 

“People lived here in fear,” Adrian says, “because these places are just...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Over the last decade, private investors have discovered one very simple thing: owning a manufactured housing park is an incredibly lucrative thing to do. Now, throughout the country, local landlords are making way for out-of-state owners notorious for jacking up rents while letting conditions deteriorate. 


Well, at least they got it partially right except for one main item. These so-called “out-of-state owners” are the ones injecting millions of dollars into these old parks to bring them back to life. In not a single case have any of them ever “let conditions deteriorate”. How do I know? Well, among other items, these professional owners pay big prices and get big mortgages which require lender property condition reports which then require all types of upgrades. On top of that, these same large owners are bringing in new homes and are constantly raising the park quality to attract and retain good tenants like any smart business people would. This “out-of-state owners make parks physically worse” nonsense is a P.R. stunt by the “residents should own their parks” crowd. And what’s hilarious is that the residents who buy their own parks – those .0000000001% that really pull it off – are the ones that let park conditions normally deteriorate because they have no money for improvements. Hypocrisy anyone?