Mobile Home Park News Briefing

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WFTV 9: Proposed House bill could give mobile home tenants more rights against park owners


ST. CLOUD, Fla. — For the past four years, people living in Lake Runnymeade Mobile Home Park in St. Cloud have been fighting to get and keep basic amenities from their property owner.

In the past few years, residents said the property has started to deteriorate, all while the rent continues to rise.

“I was paying $410 a month when I first moved here. Next month, I pay $915,” said Angela Silas,” a resident at Lake Runnymeade.

Silas showed Eyewitness News pictures of gray and brown drinking water and the community pool with green water while blocked off with caution tape.

“We’ve had dark water coming out of our sinks before to the point...

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Our thoughts on this story:

“What we’re finding is that a lot of the park owners especially the newer park owners, may be large corporations or hedge funds. Do not become part of the associations, and in some cases, some of them are the bad actors,” said Paula Stark, State Representative for District 47.

I’m afraid that Paula has no idea what she’s talking about. I have been in the industry for 30 years and, without exception, the parks in the worst condition are those owned by moms and pops and NOT institutional owners. Paula may be unaware that big owners typically use sophisticated lenders that require property condition reports that stipulate minimum standards. Moms and pops have zero debt, zero loans, and zero supervision. It’s the institutional folks that are actually bringing these old parks back to life, not vice-versa.

The good news, of course, is that Paula’s bill will die in committee since she apparently also must think that Florida is located in California.

Alaska's New Source: Facing eviction, trailer park tenants file lawsuit over lack of clean, running tap water


ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - Daniel Lynch flushed the toilet inside his trailer home in Soldotna. Water slowly circled the bowl, and kept circling and then kept circling. After about two minutes the water finally drained and remained that way for several hours.

“What do you teach your kids? Flush the toilet. Wash your hands,” Lynch said. “Forget that because you can’t do either.

Lynch and several residents at the River Terrace RV Park, which is located along the banks of the Kenai River, all received eviction notices this summer. With limited time left in the park, the residents of the 19-unit park enlisted the Northern Justice Project to...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I know nothing about this park or even Alaska. But I do know basic salesmanship and whoever thought that the best way to keep this park in operation was to sue the park owner apparently read one too many books from Barnes and Noble on win/lose negotiating and not enough books like Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Not a great plan.

Fullerton Observer: “How to Empty a Senior Park” – John Saunders’ latest assault on Rancho La Paz


To paraphrase Dustin Hoffman speaking about Peter Pan in the movie Hook, park owner John Saunders HATES, HATES, HATES Rancho La Paz Senior Mobile Home Park. YOU WOULD, TOO, if you were John Saunders. But therein lies a challenge – to imagine you are John Saunders, you first have to arm yourself with boundless greed, entitlement, and malevolence. Only THEN can you grasp how much he hates the plucky mobile home-owning seniors of Rancho La Paz, the ONLY park of the dozens he’s gobbled up to actually get STATE LEGISLATION (thanks to Sharon Quirk-Silva) to protect them from his insatiable rent-gouging. THE GALL!

So for the last three years...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I know Mike Cerillo and he is a top-quality operator of mobile home parks. Look at the photos in the article of the clubhouse and the street scene. To claim that he has let this property go down in quality is utter nonsense. There are always two sides to every story, but this author only offers one – and one that I believe to be as accurate as claims that Kamala Harris is managing the border well.

ABC 6: Tenants at local mobile park say property owners won't help after days without water


COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — Families living in the Pleasant Acres Mobile Home Park tell ABC 6 it's been three days since they last had running water.

Those living there are saying property owners are ignoring their calls for help.

We've spent days at the property connecting with tenants, demanding answers from the management team and owners, and also working to get the water flowing for those families that desperately need it.

"They say they're working on it," a tenant who wished to remain anonymous told ABC 6. "That's all we've gotten. I haven't seen maintenance not even people who work here neighbors are helping other neighbors."


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Our thoughts on this story:

So here’s what the writer hides until the end of this article:

Tuesday evening, the Department of Commerce Division of Industrial Compliance shared the following statement:

The Ohio Department of Commerce Division of Industrial Compliance is aware of a water outage that allegedly occurred on Sunday from approximately noon to 6 p.m. Our investigation found that, as a result of the pump house’s door being left open or partially ajar, the extremely cold weather caused the pump and/or other components to freeze, which caused the stoppage. Water service resumed that same day (Sunday) and we have not received any additional complaints regarding that issue. We are aware that some residents may still be without water service due to frozen pipes; however, those issues would be the result of residents who did not take adequate steps to protect those lines from the cold temperatures. As far as we are aware, there are no remaining issues with the park’s water system.

Since the writer knew the entire story was a fraud invented by the residents, why did he still publish it? Gee, I can’t imagine

KYMA: Yuma County addresses mobile home park issues


YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - The Yuma County Board of Supervisors is seeking direction on what to do about one local mobile home park after they say the park has violated many zoning code violations for years.

Yuma County Supervisors are still not sure what to do to get the owners of the park to clean it up.

“Yeah we live in the ghetto, but come on, we still pay our rent here," said Leslie, a Bann Mobile Home Park resident.

Some residents we spoke to say they've even had their water shut off without warning.

“And now we got our water on but it's still, when is it going to get shut off again and for how long, you know? Because she ain’t...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The residents are making the worst collective decision of their lives. They are hamming it up to the county officials, hoping to force the park owner to perhaps abate or lower rent and instead they are on the path to homelessness. When the bureaucrats say “the Yuma County Board of Supervisors is currently in the process of figuring out if they want to take receivership of the park but that would include calculating the cost of taking over the park and what the next steps could be” that translates to “thank you for giving us the opportunity to shut the park down and say it was your idea”.

It reminds me of the time I evicted a tenant and they told the judge (to try to get out of the eviction) “your honor I am very sickly and I almost passed out ten times driving over here” to which the judge said “well I have some bad news for you: not only am I granting the eviction for non-payment but I’m also instructing the bailiff to take your car keys and you’ll have to take a bus home and get your car later when you’re in a better condition to drive”.

Sometimes trying to manipulate the system has unintended consequences.

FOX23: Catoosa mobile home park residents without gas show how they're trying to stay warm in freezing temperatures


CATOOSA, Okla. — People in a mobile home park in Catoosa who are trying to stay warm with no gas showed how they’re surviving in the below-freezing temperatures.

Residents of the Pine Creek Estates haven’t had gas in three weeks since a fire and a gas leak on Christmas Eve.

People living at the mobile home park let FOX23 inside their homes to show how they’re managing to heat water, cook and try to stay warm.

One woman, who wants to remain anonymous, showed a small pot on a hot plate and said that is how she is heating water.

"That’s it. That’s our source of hot water. That’s it, that’s our hot water for the house. That’s how we clean if...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I don’t know the facts of the case but I’m betting that this park was on a “master-metered” gas system that has failed and there is probably no way of fixing it and turning it back on. They will probably have to convert to propane or all-electric. If that’s the case, it’s one more warning to park buyers about this type of gas system in which the park owner essentially acts as the gas company. I’ve written about this extensively as my very first park purchase 30 years ago lost its natural gas in the dead of winter and I had to convert all lots to propane. It was a nightmare.

KWCH: Saline Co. mobile home park loses water over weekend, response frustrates residents


SALINE COUNTY, Kan. (KWCH) - A Saline County family reached out to 12 News after they and their neighbors lost water last week during a dangerous cold stretch. The privately owned water utility serves the Sundowner West Mobile Home Park northwest of Salina. The utility owner said water services were returned Monday but the KDHE put that area under a boil water advisory due to a loss of pressure.

On Tuesday, faucets in Misty Livingston-Holmes’s home in Sundowner West were fully opened, but the water pouring through wasn’t at a strong pressure.

“I’ve lived out here for 35 years and I’ve never experienced a water loss that has lasted this...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I know nothing about this park but I do know that Kansas has below zero temperatures right now (the Chiefs game was 28 degrees below zero with wind chill on Saturday). At those temperatures you’re going to have a ton of water lines freeze. If this article was about an apartment complex it would never have made the paper but since it’s a trailer park the media loves to beat up on the owner as they have a perverse pleasure in holding park owners to a ridiculous standard that no other landlord has ever had to even remotely hit.



Watch video from the source.

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Our thoughts on this story:

Yes, a ton of mobile home parks are going to be torn down in the years ahead. How can you save them? Raise rents aggressively to market levels so the land is worth more as a mobile home park than an apartment complex (which is what most are redeveloped into). Period.

NPR: Meet the new generation of manufactured houses



When you think of a community of manufactured homes, you might picture a trailer park. But manufactured homes have changed a lot in recent years. Today, they may have steeper roofs. They may have a porch. They look much like a traditional single-family home.

HECTOR CARDENAS: It's big. It's spacious. I could tell that it was made at a very high caliber.

KELLY: Hector Cardenas just bought one of these new manufactured homes in a development in Petersburg, Va. He paid a quarter million dollars for it. And he says the relatively cheaper price compared to a stick-built home was a big factor in his decision.


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“And in another example, in Jackson, Miss., a city pilot is trying to add more manufactured homes to vacant lots. And that really is aiming at buyers who have a pretty low budget - so less than $200,000. And that's just getting started there, but I think that shows a lot of promise”.

Only a journalist who lives in Manhattan would think that 1) a mobile home costs $200,000 and 2) that’s a low price.

Denverite: To protect tenants against predatory landlords, this nonprofit wants lawyers to think like organizers


The Justice for the People Legal Center doesn’t yet have a website, but the new nonprofit law firm is already inundated with requests for representation, largely for cases related to housing and labor issues.

The nonprofit is the product of years of collaboration between a long-time local organizer and a lawyer who hope to bring a community organizing approach to the legal world. While Denver has plenty of public interest law firms, it’s not a city known for “movement lawyering,” a specific approach to law that directly partners with organizers and activists. Executive Director Dre Chiriboga-Flor and lawyer Jason Legg want that to... Read More

Our thoughts on this story:

I didn’t realize that the biggest predator species in Colorado is apparently not mountain lions or bears but instead the dreaded “landlord” creature. I hear they live in the mountains and swoop down on the first of the month to get checks from their prey. They’ve tried to photograph them, but they are extremely elusive. 

Triple Pundit: Mobile Home Owners Form Co-Ops for Housing Security and Climate Resilience


As mobile home owners fight rising housing costs, some of them have hit upon a solution that also helps in the fight against climate change: banding together and buying the land underneath their homes.

This model of collective ownership, also called resident-owned cooperatives or ROCs, is on the rise. The number of mobile homes attached to a resident-owned cooperative grew from just over 200 in 2000 to more than 15,000 in 2019, according to a 2022 study from researchers at Berkeley, Cornell, and MIT. 

When residents own the land, they can move more quickly to upgrade infrastructure. That’s where climate change comes in. Renewables...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Want to lower your IQ in 10 seconds? Simple read the following:

As mobile home owners fight rising housing costs, some of them have hit upon a solution that also helps in the fight against climate change: banding together and buying the land underneath their homes. This model of collective ownership, also called resident-owned cooperatives or ROCs, is on the rise. The number of mobile homes attached to a  resident-owned cooperative grew from just over 200 in 2000 to more than 15,000 in 2019, according to a 2022 study from researchers at Berkeley, Cornell, and MIT. When residents own the land, they can move more quickly to upgrade infrastructure. That’s where climate change comes in. Renewables — especially solar —  work uniquely well with these types of places, according to Kevin Jones, director at the Institute for Energy and the Environment at the Vermont Law and Graduate School. 

So let me get this straight. Park residents are so rich that they are going to not only buy their park but then rip out all the infrastructure and replace it with “green” energy alternatives? Why stop there? Why not put in a giant greenhouse and grow all resident food needs? Why not put in a Tesla charging station at every parking pad? Seems like the author (who I hope is AI) just isn’t thinking big enough.

Orlando Sentinel:


Angela Silas lost 103 pounds over the last three years as the rent increased from $410 to $915 on her mobile home lot in Lake Runnymeade in St. Cloud after new owners purchased the park.

Silas said she has had to cut back on groceries and prefers to go hungry rather than giving her 14-year-old child or 38-year-old disabled husband less food.

“I feel like I have to penny pinch everywhere that I can and I’m going to take the hit first before my child,” Silas said through tears.

A bill filed by State House Rep. Paula Stark, whose district includes St. Cloud, aims to help mobile home owners like Silas dispute rent increases that leave them no...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Funny that this would be the article following the park closure described above. Maybe common sense is not a part of the American way any longer, but if you harass owners about raising rents and making money they will simply shut down and find a better use for the land. Maybe nobody understands the drill, but here it goes again:

  1. Mobile home parks typically have great locations, with major frontage, in attractive school districts.

  2. Mobile home parks are the correct size for most pad users (2 to 10 acres) and therefore don’t need to be subdivided.

  3. Cities will give park owners any zoning they want as long as it gets the mobile home park torn down.

  4. The land under many parks has risen to a value level in which it is as, or more, valuable than the park itself.

Against that simple backdrop it is suicide for cities and residents to literally push owners into redevelopment at this point, which articles like this one – written by a woke author with zero business sense – clearly do. Is the media deliberately trying to eradicate U.S. affordable housing?

Business Insider: A millennial couple who moved from Baltimore to Florida explain why they bought a $65,000 mobile home as their starter house


Jess Carpenter and her husband had never considered living in a mobile home when they moved from Baltimore to Florida in April 2022. But after spending most of a year in a $3,000-a-month rental apartment in Sarasota while struggling to find an affordable house to buy in the area, they reconsidered their quest for traditional homeownership.

They had a friend who loved her mobile-home community in Sarasota, and soon Carpenter and her husband, Christian, sprung for the cheapest trailer in the park. They put 15% down on the $65,000 1983 one-bedroom home and have lived in it with their 14-month-old son ever since.

The couple had a tricky time...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I like this article because it’s honest. It does not sugar coat and the couple have a positive attitude and what they’re doing makes financial sense. It’s a shame that our industry does not seek this couple out and make them spokespeople for the new face of mobile home parks because many young people would identify with them. I may call them myself.

The Times Record: Housing authority: Linnhaven owner neglected to inform agency of intent to sell


Linnhaven mobile home park in Brunswick. According to a letter distributed to residents in November, the park is being offered for sale. The Maine housing authority told The Times Record that it did not receive the required notice, a violation of a new law to protect the rights of manufactured homeowners that went into effect in October. Luna Soley / The Times Record

The Maine housing authority says it never received required notice that Kurt Scarponi, owner of Brunswick’s Linnhaven Mobile Home Center, was intending to sell the park.

According to a law that went into effect Oct. 25, 2023, mobile home park owners are required to notify all...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Look, the owner for the past 70 years just died and the family wanted to sell the park to settle the estate. A regular person would have no idea that Maine’s bureaucrats were this stupid:

According to a law that went into effect in October, mobile home park owners are required to give 60 days' notice to both residents and MaineHousing via certified mail.  

So now the family will have to notify the tenants, waste 60 days while they do absolutely nothing, and then move on.

Why will nobody publish the actual numbers of how many park residents successfully act on these “first options”? I’m betting it’s something like .0000000000000001% -- and that’s being kind.

Erie News Now: Village Mobile Home Park to Close; Residents Must Move by End of October


Village Mobile Home Park in Millcreek Township will permanently close at the end of October, forcing residents to find a new place to leave.

The news was delivered in a letter dated Thursday to residents, tenant and occupants.

The operator of the park said it made the decision to close the park, located at 3028 W. 6th St. near Waldameer Park, on Monday.

The letter said any manufactured home or property remaining in the mobile home park after Oct. 31 will be deemed to have been abandoned.

The deed for the property was transferred May 1, 2023, to Meer Village LLC, according to the property records.

There's no word on the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The title says it all. This is what happens when you don’t raise rents and, therefore, can’t make enough money to justify not developing into a different use. Basically, down goes the park and up goes the apartment complex or retail center.

And this is the future if residents and bureaucrats don’t accept the realities of life and economics.

The Columbian: Rents have skyrocketed at Woodland East Mobile Home Park; now residents want to buy their park but are running out of time


WOODLAND — Helplessness washed over Woodland East Mobile Home Park residents last fall as they watched the eviction of their neighbor, a woman in her mid-70s.

They stared at the woman as she sat outside the home she owned but resting on the land she could no longer afford to rent. They wondered who would be next.

Rents at the 55-and-older community have increased by about 250 percent since mobile home park mogul Michael Werner of Vancouver bought the property in 2017, residents say. The seniors, many on fixed incomes, are struggling to pay the $1,050 charged a month per spot — and rents are slated to go up to $1,250 in March.

Senate Bill...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This article contains more B.S. than the livestock pavilion at the county fair. Let’s break it down into bite-sized pieces and get a handle on all the misinformation this article shoots about like a lawn sprinkler.

  1. “Now what’s happening because of rent increases … is people have to make a choice between their medicines”.

    Look, this worn-out expression is used by virtually every woke writer in the media today. Yes, the rent has gone up significantly (since it started at $350 in a market where apartments are $2,000 per month) but the seniors in this article are mostly on Medicare which – even if they don’t have supplemental insurance – pays 75% of their drug costs and, if they can’t even afford the 25% co-pay, the government has hardship programs to handle 100%. If these were NON-seniors, without health insurance, then this over-used narrative might make more sense. And for that matter, why is the rent singled out as the only straw breaking the camel’s back? Couldn’t you say the same about gasoline, insurance, food – everything in the current era of rampant inflation?

  2. “Now residents are paying more than three-quarters of fair market rent for a one-bedroom in Clark County — just for the land on which their homes sit. Some are also paying on the loans they took to buy their homes. Most residents say they’ve reached a breaking point.”

    Look, if you’re paying only ¾ of the 1-bedroom apartment rent, then clearly this is really, really cheap living compared to literally all other forms of housing in this city – and only made more so because these homes are all 2 and 3 bedrooms and not 1. As far as people still paying on the loans, I see not a single home in the photos that could be new enough to qualify. I’ll bet $10 that there’s not, in fact, a single person in this park with an existing mortgage as the U.S. average is 80% own free and clear and that’s with the inclusion of non-seniors who are more prone to buy new homes with big notes on them. So, yes, the lot rent is their actual only housing cost.

  3. “The residents would have to double their rent to cover purchase of the park, O’Banion said.”

    That’s exactly the point. That’s why the new owner had to raise rents by so much. Real estate is expensive and mortgage payments are large, as well. This “resident owned community” nonsense never includes the reality that when the tenants buy the park they often raise the rents higher and faster than professional owners do. Just ask the residents 5 years after they buy them. Most miss the days when professionals owned them and kept the rent collected and the bills down. There are already cases of these “tenant owners” putting their parks back on the market because they’re hoping to lower the rent through better management.
  4. Woodland East residents have a Jan. 24 deadline to make an offer — 70 days after they received notice of the landlord’s intent to sell. The window is also closing for other eligible organizations — including local governments, housing authorities, nonprofits and community land trusts — to purchase the park.

    Look, if I went to a park owner and said “I need 70 days to make an offer on your park” they’d say “you’re an idiot and don’t call me again”. Most park buyers make offers on the spot or within a few days. NOBODY gets 70 days in the real world. On top of that, there is virtually ZERO interest by groups to co-sign on trailer park mortgages so the tenants can run the things into the ground. Only a bureaucrat would think this is a workable plan and that these tenant “first option” concepts have a prayer of getting off the ground. It is literally just a complete waste of time and nothing but virtue signaling by those who pass them into law.

Claremont Courier: San Dimas awarded $1.5 million for mobile home upgrades


The City of San Dimas was recently awarded $1.5 million from the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Manufactured Housing Opportunity and Revitalization Program for low income mobile home owners to upgrade their residences.

Grants of up to $40,000 will allow San Dimas mobile homeowners to “make critical health and safety repairs, as well as make meaningful upgrades to their homes for energy-efficiency savings, refurbishments, restoration, and more,” according to a news release. “This initiative is expected to enhance the quality of life for residents and extend the lifespan of these affordable properties.”


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Our thoughts on this story:

First of all, whenever I hear of “San Dimas” I think of the movie Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (which is where the fictional movie is located). And in this case San Dimas is on its own excellent adventure in actually advancing a good idea that is becoming more popular with many states, counties and cities:

“Grants of up to $40,000 will allow San Dimas mobile homeowners to “make critical health and safety repairs, as well as make meaningful upgrades to their homes for energy-efficiency savings, refurbishments, restoration, and more,” according to a news release. “This initiative is expected to enhance the quality of life for residents and extend the lifespan of these affordable properties.”

This is the framework of true affordable housing progress in the U.S.

Flagler Live: Bulow RV Park Has 6 Months to Solve Compliance Crisis, Pledging Not to Evict Anyone. But a Solution is Elusive.


There will be no evictions at Bulow RV Park at least through the end of July. The Flagler County Commission extracted that concession from Bulow park management this afternoon in exchange for a stay on enforcing county regulations against dozens of RV sites that have become unregulated, permanent home, in violation of both county code and park rules. But park management doubts six months will be sufficient for a permanent solution, and county officials are finding their powers so limited that should evictions resume, there won’t much they can do.

For years, and under the nose of management, supposedly temporary residents at the 45-acre...

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Our thoughts on this story:

What this all boils down to is that the city is now saying that RVs can only be in the park for 6 months while people have been living there full-time for decades. Why the change in attitude by the city? You know the answer. It’s probably because kids are moving into those RVs with their parents and the city doesn’t want to pay the tuition (in fact, the article mentions the recent school crossing sign). So at a time when the affordable housing crisis in the U.S. is at its worse, here’s another government agency trying to basically shut a park down. In San Francisco they’re letting people live in tents on the city streets, but here we have a city that won’t let people live in RV park spaces at no danger to anyone and completely compliant with the precedent that’s been going on for decades.

Once again, there’s only word for this behavior: hypocrisy.

Idaho Statesman: New mobile homes in Idaho are more costly than anywhere else in the nation. Here’s why Read more at:


Just because mobile homes are more affordable than site-built homes doesn’t mean they’re cheap — especially in Idaho. In fact, the cost of a new mobile home is more expensive in the Gem State than anywhere else in the country, according to a new report from Lending Tree, a North Carolina-based online lending marketplace. Can you guess how much one might cost? The average sales price of a new mobile home in Idaho in 2022 was $168,500. That’s an 83% increase over the price in 2017, which was $92,300, the report said. Montana and Arizona had the next highest prices, both around $160,000.

And, if you thought the cost of traditional,...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Can you spot a problem with the facts in this article:

The average sales price of a new mobile home in Idaho in 2022 was $168,500. That’s an 83% increase over the price in 2017, which was $92,300, the report said. The cost of a new mobile home is cheapest in Kansas, Ohio and Nebraska, where the average sales price in each in 2022 was around $101,000.

Then comes a clue:

Channel said one reason the average price of a mobile home is highest in Idaho is because residents are more willing to pay a premium for “higher-end” multi-section models, like a double-wide or a triple-wide, versus a typical single-wide, than people in other parts of the country. The U.S. Census Bureau’s Manufactured Housing Shipment Survey shows that in 2022 a majority of mobile homes shipped to Idaho were larger, more expensive models.

The bottom line is that many people in Idaho buy large, fancy mobile homes to put on their personal land and NOT into mobile home parks. If you take 50% off all of these prices, then you’re recalibrated back to singlewides that go into mobile home parks.

KTXS: Merkel ISD purchased mobile park, displacing dozens of families


ABILENE, Texas — On December 21st residents of Sunset Mobile Home and RV Park received a letter from Merkel ISD informing them that the school district is now their landlord and will soon require everyone on the property to leave.

Shelley LeBlanc who moved to the mobile park 8 years ago after she lost her home in Abilene to a fire feels like the school district is making her feel the pain of losing a home all over again.

“It’s not fair,” LeBlanc said.

The mobile homeowner said it felt like a punch to the chest when she read that her family was getting kicked out of the home, they invested over $30 thousand into effective July 1st.

“We paid...

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Our thoughts on this story:

So a school district can buy a mobile home park and then shut it down without warning or compensation and not a word is said – while at the same time an “evil” private sector developer can do the exact same thing and be met with litigation, the city council trying to block all redevelopment options and the media in a frenzy of outcry and threats?

Can you say “hypocrisy” anyone?

Richmond Time-Dispatch: Remaking a mobile home park at Bermuda Estates in Chester


In recent years, the usual aggravations of life in mobile home communities have been overlain with a new anxiety: that landlords were looking to cash in by selling out to developers with other ideas about what the land is good for.

The peculiar tenure of mobile home park residents on their homes — owning the structures but not the land on which they were parked — makes that worry about the landlord’s intentions unlike what any other tenants might face.

“We were always afraid of being evicted; I was trying to save enough over two or three years so I could find another place in case they sold the park,” said Cesia Luque, who has lived for...

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Our thoughts on this story:

What a shocker – woke media outlets working in unison to try and brainwash you that the mobile home park business only works when the tenants own the land and are therefore free from “evil” developers.

"In recent years, the usual aggravations of life in mobile home communities have been overlain with a new anxiety: that landlords were looking to cash in by selling out to developers with other ideas about what the land is good for."

I wonder how many times you have to repeat the same false narrative before readers start thinking it’s true? Let me try it. CARTER WAS A GREAT PRESIDENT. CARTER WAS A GREAT PRESIDENT. CARTER WAS A GREAT PRESIDENT. Are you convinced now? Well, the media is hoping so. They are obviously working together to write multiple articles on the same narrative at the same time – kind of like a coordinated attack on our intelligence.

Bangor Daily News: Bangor tiny home park slated to finish within 6 months


More than half of the tiny homes planned for a former Bangor mobile home park have been built since the city approved the project last February.

At the development, located in the former Martel mobile home park at 1337 Hammond St., about 20 of the 34 tiny homes have been built, according to Bangor landlord Louie Morrison, one of the developers of the park.

Since Morrison’s crew can build three homes in about a month, he said the development was intended to quickly add more quality, affordable housing at a time when the city desperately needs it.

“At the end of the day, these homes are a real solution to a real problem,” Morrison said....

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Our thoughts on this story:

Articles like this should serve as a wake-up call to the MH manufacturing industry as you have 400 sq. ft. tiny homes beating out 1,000+ sq. ft. mobile homes for demand – even at $1,200 per month price points.  The industry must accept that it must have a terrible stigma problem when you can re-package a smaller version of the product in any wrapper other than “mobile home” and it sells ten times faster and at a higher price per square foot. The only way to get rid of the stigma – it appears to me – is to radically change the exterior of mobile homes and tack on a better name. Just as the optics of an elongated rectangle sitting on stilts is clearly not a crowd pleaser, even the name “mobile home” or “manufactured home” is a sales loser. “Tiny homes” came out of nowhere and, with the aid of a few HGTV shows, have already blown mobile homes out of the water with consumer preference. Surely, manufacturers must find this alarming.

WGRZ: In Town of Lockport, two mobile home parks pay a combined $83.8M in taxes


LOCKPORT, N.Y. — In the Town of Lockport, two mobile home parks are the bulk of the 10 largest taxpayers for the 2023 tax levy.

They pay a combined $83.8 million of the top 10's assessment of $212.8 million, which is 39.4% of the town's tax roll.

Buffalo Business First is taking a look at the top taxpayers in a number of municipalities around Buffalo Niagara, and we'll share the results over the next few months. Why? Any significant changes in how these companies operate is bound to have an outsized fiscal impact on the municipalities where they’re based.

See the list below, with some details following. The data, for the fiscal year...

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Our thoughts on this story:

See if you can make sense of this story.

I looked up the Woodlands park that the story references and found it to have 1,235 lots at about a $700 lot rent, which equates to a revenue of around $10,374,000 annually. Assuming the other park is just as large then total revenue is around $20 million annually. It’s just basic math.

So if that’s the case, then how could the two parks pay $83.8 million in property taxes annually against $20 million of total revenue?

I’m assuming that the writer made a typo or misinterpreted the actual information. If we were on a game show we’d guess that the $20 million revenue yields $14 million in net income which equates to around $200 million in valuation and, at a 3% property tax rate = $6 million in annual property tax.

Therefore, I’m betting the actual number is $8.38 million and NOT $83.8 million.

If I’m wrong on this, please educate me on how any of this is possible mathematically.

King 5: Bellingham mobile home park tenants fight to save the land they live on


BELLINGHAM, Wash. — Preserving low-income housing is growing increasingly difficult in western Washington, as developers gobble up land for pricey high-rises and condos. 

Often it's those who can least afford to relocate who are caught in the crosshairs.

Right now, dozens of Bellingham mobile homeowners are living in limbo -- unsure if their homes will be sold out from under them.

As is the case with most mobile home parks, people at the city's Samish Mobile Home Park own their homes, but they rent the land they live on. 

When it comes time for the owner to sell his property people are often forced to move, but this time there may...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The narrative of park residents buying the parks they live in is reaching new levels of insanity, starting in Washington state apparently:

"Preserving low-income housing is growing increasingly difficult in western Washington, as developers gobble up land for pricey high-rises and condos. Often it's those who can least afford to relocate who are caught in the crosshairs."

Originally the narrative in these articles centered on residents who must be freed from “evil” park owners and now it has morphed into park residents who must be freed from “evil” developers. But here’s the big question: is this really the best use of public funds? If Washington starts to try and buy parks at elevated prices just to preserve them from being torn down for redevelopment that’s going to take money away from many other programs that might benefit a larger number of people, right?

For example, a park in Washington with development potential would probably be priced at $100,000+ per space. So a 50-space park would cost $5 million to buy. Is $5 million best spent helping 50 families live out their life in a dilapidated trailer park or would that money be better spent to build a $5 million library to benefit 100,000 people? 99% of all residents in Washington would probably vote for the library.

Of course, all of these efforts are nothing but virtue signaling. The non-profits want to pretend like they are the champions of the poor (and to them the label of “mobile home park” is perceived by their constituency as “the poor”). At least, that is, until they move on to something more interesting as Palo Alto just did.

People are wrong about America not producing anything anymore. We are the world’s #1 producer of hypocrisy.

Nasdaq: Unlock Wealth Opportunities With These 5 Mobile Home Park Investment Secrets


When you think of investments to add to your portfolio, mobile home parks might not be near the top of your list. However, the land these communities sit on has the potential for profitable returns and fewer headaches than other real estate types. As an investor (and potential landlord), you don’t have as much upkeep since the residents own their homes.

And there are syndication or real estate investment trust options if you want to completely remove yourself from the landlord equation. While the investment opportunity mobile home parks present may no longer be entirely under the radar, it’s still somewhat overlooked. However, big-name...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This article was obviously written by AI but it does have some good points.