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Blue Ridge Public Radio: Brevard issues temporary authorization to help residents of trailer park repair homes


Brevard's City Council will try a rarely-used procedure to help a neighborhood of about two dozen families who live in trailers near the French Broad River make their homes habitable again before elevating the residences to comply with federal flood regulations.

Most of the trailers in the Duck’s Drive mobile home park were damaged by floods caused by Hurricane Helene. The neighborhood sits on a dead-end gravel road off Old Hendersonville Highway, just north of downtown Brevard.

At a City Council meeting last month, Spanish-speaking residents pleaded for leaders to green-light repairs on their homes, which requires permitting from the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This story is wrong on so many levels.

FEMA is demanding that all park residents who were flooded in Hurricane Helene raise their mobile homes two feet above the base floodplain elevation (BFE) to get their permits to move back in after Hurricane Helene wrecked their homes. Now the city has agreed to give these victims temporary permits for one year so they can make repairs and move back in while they save up enough to raise the mobile homes up in the air, which they clearly cannot afford to ever do. This is basically forcing them to invest their life savings into short-term repairs only to lose their homes a year from now when they can’t afford to raise them up in the air at a cost of thousands of dollars. In the hard-money lending business that is called “loan to own” in which the lender hopes for the borrower to default so they can take the property away. This proposal is equally sinister.

People complain that mobile home park owners are cruel to raise the rent $10 per month but FEMA and city hall, in this case, are literally destroying these people’s lives – and gutting their savings – with impossible demands that are clearly never going to be successfully accomplished.

Herald Tribune: FEMA mandate makes a return home unlikely for many mobile home owners on Anna Maria Island


Wendy Brown spent thousands of dollars to address the immediate needs of a beach house that has been in her family for 75 years following Hurricane Milton, only to find a red notice placed by the city of Bradenton Beach on her front door that the home is to be condemned.

Brown is among many Bradenton Beach residents who face a mandate by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that limits repairs or improvements of a property to 50% of its value or it must be upgraded to meet current flood regulations.

Nearly 30 residents from the Pines Trailer Park and the Sandpiper Mobile Resort communities attended the Bradenton Beach city council...

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Residents find red tags on their doors before inspections even take place

Yup, it’s pretty clear what’s going on. Cities are loving FEMA’s stance that opens the door for them to get rid of all those hated mobile home park residents. City managers across America are probably on Google right now trying to figure out how much dry ice you have to drop into clouds from chartered airplanes to trigger major weather events.

The Tribune: Rent control for mobile homes?


Should the City of Stanton create a rent control program for mobile home parks in the city?

That’s one of several issues going before the Stanton City Council when it meets on Tuesday.

Councilmember Donald Torres requested on Oct. 22 that the topic be brought forward for discussion. Rents are at historically high levels in Orange County and mobile home residents – who typically rent space in parks for the units – are considered especially vulnerable to rising costs because many of them are on fixed incomes.

Also on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting are:

• consideration of an ordinance prohibiting the sale of “flavored” tobacco products by...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Why shouldn’t California follow Maine’s example? It’s a sure-fire way to get mobile home parks torn down while giving the appearance that you are really concerned about the plight of the trailer park tenants. What a great con.

ABC 7: Pines Trailer Park residents express concern to city


BRADENTON BEACH, Fla. (WWSB) - Pines Trailer Park and its residents are in a stand-still following major flood damage from Hurricane Helene.

After new management took over the park earlier this year, residents have had questions about whether or not they’d be able to stick around with rising rates.

Now, following major damage, FEMA and local fire agency leaders are saying most of the homes do not meet health and safety codes.

The homes must now be re-assessed to see if major construction can be done – like raising the base elevation of the home 12 feet.

City officials worry it will not be possible for many of the homes, seeing as the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Now, following major damage, FEMA and local fire agency leaders are saying most of the homes do not meet health and safety codes. The homes must now be re-assessed to see if major construction can be done – like raising the base elevation of the home 12 feet.

See a trend here? City fathers are using FEMA as the tool to get their mobile home parks torn down and the residents out of their city limits. They must be celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rid of lower income folks from within their city boundaries.

Insurance Journal: Maryland Fears Mobile Home Values Will Shrink as Insurance Disappears


wners of mobile and manufactured homes in Maryland’s coastal communities and their insurance agents are having difficulty finding insurance coverage as carriers pull away from the market.

The problem is squeezing owners who want to sell their mobile or manufactured homes. They can’t sell to buyers who need home insurance to satisfy lenders, so their pool of potential buyers is limited to those able to pay cash. Local officials are worried that this, in turn, is reducing property values.

“I’m concerned that neighborhoods in Ocean City such as Montego Bay, White Park and Warren’s Park will experience significant decrease in property...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Owners of mobile and manufactured homes in Maryland’s coastal communities and their insurance agents are having difficulty finding insurance coverage as carriers pull away from the market. The problem is squeezing owners who want to sell their mobile or manufactured homes. They can’t sell to buyers who need home insurance to satisfy lenders, so their pool of potential buyers is limited to those able to pay cash. Local officials are worried that this, in turn, is reducing property values.

The flood insurance business has been a scam from the beginning. It takes in around $4 billion a year nationally yet has losses maybe ten times that amount. So the insurance companies are finally pulling out. You can’t blame them. “Free Rent” folks will claim it’s the fault of evil landlords but the truth is that the insurance industry is simply no longer willing to prop up reckless behavior by sponsoring living in areas that tend to go under water on a regular basis.


Daily Montanan: Montana’s mobile home park residents struggling to stay in their homes as lot rent rise


In the midst of Montana’s housing crisis, where home prices have have surged by 66% in just the last four years alone, residents of the state’s most affordable housing option — mobile home parks — are fighting their own battle to level the playing field between them and the massive investment firms buying out small park owners across the state.

The rising cost of housing in Montana has been significantly outpacing the national increase of 50% since 2020, and as the 2025 legislative session approaches, residents are hoping lawmakers will add protections to keep them from being economically forced from their homes.

In her 2023 handout to...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The title says it all:

“Montana’s mobile home park residents struggling to stay in their homes as lot rents rise”

So apparently in Montana the only cost that’s going up is mobile home park rent. No, wait a minute, I’m not sure that’s true. In fact, the U.S. Government’s own websites show that rent is only the fifth largest expenditure for the average America household, with health insurance, childcare, transportation and income taxes all coming in ahead of rent. Costs under “Bidenomics” went up 20% across the board for the average U.S. household. So why focus on mobile home park lot rents at all?

Of course, it’s because today’s young journalists are all members of the “Free Rent Movement” and since they lost the election (by a landslide) they’re going to have to try to brainwash the average reader on the few remaining items that haven’t been crushed by the November 5th results. Good luck with that.


Grice Connect: 199-acre Clito Road development withdrawn and Bell Road mobile home park denied at Commission meeting


The Tuesday evening, November 4, 2024, meeting of the Bulloch County Board of Commissioners, packed with important zoning decisions and intense discussions, reflected both the county’s pressing need to address development and the challenges posed by recent storm delays.

The meeting was not only packed with a sizable public turnout but also held under the unique pressures of election week, with zoning items delayed by the havoc caused by Hurricanes Debby and Helene finally reaching the table for resolution.

The session opened on a personal note as Chairman Roy Thompson welcomed Commissioner Ray Davis to the board, a moment met with warm...

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Our thoughts on this story:

For four years we heard the Biden administration talk about how they were going to create affordable housing. Yet, nothing ever materialized (like most of their policies). But here’s a real-life demonstration of why you will never see any new mobile home parks built in the U.S. until the end of time:

One of the night’s most debated items was William Clayton Mills’ proposal to rezone five acres on Bell Road for a mobile home park. Represented by John Dotson, the application faced steep opposition. Justin Kittle, Millie Hopkins, Attorney Andrew Lavoie, and Mike Deal stood firm against it, citing concerns about road conditions and the community’s capacity to handle additional housing. Lavoie’s call for those opposed to stand showed a room nearly full of people against the mobile homes, underscoring local resistance to the project. Ultimately, the board voted to deny the request, with only Commissioner Anthony Simmons and Timmy Rushing in favor. Even with Commissioner Conner stating that some of the people in the crowd didn't even live close to the proposed mobile home park, he still denied approval. 

I’ve applied for small park expansions before, gone to the zoning meeting, and almost needed a police escort to get to my car to save me from being lynched by the angry mob.

So ends the nonsense that you can force America’s cities and towns to build more affordable housing. You can’t. They hate mobile home parks with a passion.


Stateline: To save affordable housing, states promote resident-owned mobile home parks


LIBERTY, Mo. — Over her 25 years living in a quiet suburban mobile home park, Kristi Peterman got to know the neighbors directly next door and a few across the street.

But since she and her neighbors collectively purchased the sprawling park outside of Kansas City from its longtime owner in 2021, she’s gotten to know just about every resident.

“It’s a community, and not just a neighborhood,” she said. “A neighborhood is a group of houses or homes that are in proximity of each other. A community is something entirely different.”

Housing prices are soaring across the country, and the shortage of affordable housing is a primary concern for...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Lennon, who owns eight mobile home communities, said that increase was needed because the previous owner was charging too little for too long — the park has only seen two rent hikes over the last five decades, he said. That left the park poorly maintained, he said, with a backlog of costly upgrades needed. Since his purchase, Lennon has paved roads, added fencing and installed new mailboxes, among other improvements.

Look, all of this “Free Rent Movement” nonsense is simply not going to work. If you deny a property owner’s legal right to raise rents to market levels, they’ll simply tear the park down and put something else on the land that is more profitable. Now it looks like the ‘Free Rent” folks have a new plan: let’s just buy up all the mobile home parks in the U.S. and then artificially suppress the rents. Only one problem: to service the debt, they’ll still have to raise the rent just as much. And then, of course, they’ll have to also raise the rent to account for higher prices on water, sewer, electricity, insurance, property tax, etc. By the end of the movie the tenants pay the same rent if they own it then they would with a regular investor owning it.

But it turns out worse. Because the tenants don’t really buy these properties, non-profits do. The non-profit originators go through the exercise to get up-front fees which they pocket. However, the loans are personally guaranteed by a different non-profit (the lender will not accept the tenant’s personal guarantee as they have no assets) on typically a 5-year loan term. When it comes due, the non-profit guarantor can simply lose interest in the renewal and then the property gets sold back to a regular investor. In other words, it’s a racket. And all the residents get out of the deal is lousy management and poor living conditions from the amateur management of their fellow residents. And all for the privilege of being a promo piece for the non-profits before they cut them loose.

For the truth about these “tenant owned” parks, look no further than the story of Sans Souici in Colorado It details the miserable failure that these deals become.


Steamboat Pilot & Today: Milner cooperative continues negotiations with mobile home park’s investor-owner


The homeowner leaders of the newly formed Milner Park Community Cooperative are in active negotiations with the out-of-state investor/owner trying to purchase the Milner Mobile Home Park property. But negotiations currently find the two sides more than $2 million apart.

“We are trying to preserve goodwill with the current owner, and we are in active negotiations,” said Alex Gano, the community’s pro bono real estate attorney with New Communities Law in Denver. “The current owner and the residents are working to arrive at a mutually acceptable purchase price for the park. We are hopeful we are going to get this done.”

The community...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The tenants want to buy their mobile home park to fend off the evil landlord that might buy it. But there’s a big problem:

The homeowner leaders of the newly formed Milner Park Community Cooperative are in active negotiations with the out-of-state investor/owner trying to purchase the Milner Mobile Home Park property. But negotiations currently find the two sides more than $2 million apart.

So the residents are asking strangers to send in $2 million to bridge the gap:

For anyone who might like to help the homeowners purchase the land under their homes, tax-deductible donations can be made through nonprofit Yampa Valley Community Foundation.

Here’s the problem: it’s not gonna happen. Not ever. Not even close.

It might be time for the “Free Rent Movement” folks to acknowledge that their “tenant-owned” fantasy just doesn’t work in real life.

In real estate, cash is king. If you have none, then don’t bother to show up to play. End of story. Standing around with a can on the street corner might score you $10 from strangers, but not $2 million.


Ocean City Today: Mobile home residents seek improved insurance choices


Residents and local officials are seeking the state’s help in finding insurance options on mobile and manufactured homes in Worcester County.

On Wednesday, the Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) held a virtual hearing to gather the public’s thoughts on the lack of available insurance coverage for manufactured and mobile homes in this county and its coastal areas.

Marie Grant, the agency’s acting commissioner, noted that the meeting would help the state to identify the scope of the problem and to collect potential solutions.

“Based on the MIA team’s preliminary research, it appears many homeowners are unable to find full...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Based on the MIA team’s preliminary research, it appears many homeowners are unable to find full coverage on the standard market for mobile and manufactured homes in certain coastal areas in Maryland,” she said at the start of this week’s hearing. “Our research has also shown that surplus line carriers are beginning to limit their coverage for these homes, for example, by excluding wind coverage, or only writing [policies for] homes that are less than 20 or 25 years old.

The National Flood Insurance Program has created a monster. The result of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, it is the primary source of flood insurance coverage for residential properties in the United States. It is a coop of government agencies which issues over five million policies providing over $1.3 trillion in coverage. The program collects in only about $4 billion in annual revenue from policyholders’ premiums and the government funds the rest.

Now think about that for a minute. Those with homes in the flood areas chip in $4 billion against a total exposure of $1.3 trillion. How in the heck is that going to work? Effectively, the U.S. government has allowed people to build homes in flood areas – literally sponsored it – and has an unfunded obligation that is 30% of the nation’s total annual tax revenue. The damage in Hurricane Harvey was $200 billion. Hurricane Helene is thought to be about the same. Hurricane Milton was a bargain at around $50 billion. So let’s see, those $4 billion premiums should catch up on just those three hurricane losses alone in only 112 years, assuming there’s not another hurricane loss for the next century. And there’s no way out of this mess.


Jefferson Public Radio: Oregon will auction off defective modular homes in an effort to recoup almost $24 million


The state purchased the homes in 2021, with most of them intended to rebuild Royal Oaks Mobile Manor in Phoenix, which was destroyed in the 2020 Almeda Fire. Families who lost their homes in the fire were prioritized for housing.

But last summer, the homes were found to be unfit to live in, due to mold, water leaks and other issues. There are unresolved questions about why the homes had defects.

Now, OHCS has announced it will auction off the defective homes in an effort to recoup some of the approximately $24 million dollars it says it spent on them.

Caleb Yant, deputy director of OHCS, said buyers will be informed about their...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Oregon Housing and Community Services, the state's housing agency, will auction off 140 defective modular homes in a series of two-week-long auctions. The state purchased the homes in 2021, with most of them intended to rebuild Royal Oaks Mobile Manor in Phoenix, which was destroyed in the 2020 Almeda Fire. Families who lost their homes in the fire were prioritized for housing. But last summer, the homes were found to be unfit to live in, due to mold, water leaks and other issues. There are unresolved questions about why the homes had defects. Now, OHCS has announced it will auction off the defective homes in an effort to recoup some of the approximately $24 million dollars it says it spent on them.

It is unbelievable that the State of Oregon spent $24 million on 140 mobile homes to begin with – that’s $171,428 per home! But what’s even crazier is that they spent all that money on homes that are so defective they can’t even be used. In the private sector, everyone involved in this would be fired. But my bet is that not one person will be held accountable. Oregon will lose $20 million at auction, and then spend another $24 million on the replacement homes, which means they will then have $300,000 in each mobile home. This type of wasteful spending is what separates the government from the rest of us and is why the average American has zero confidence that their tax dollars are being properly spent.


Tigard Life: Owners of manufactured homes take case for park rent caps to Capitol


Rapidly rising rents in local manufactured-home parks have driven some residents to fight back, which included a recent trip to the state Capitol to press their legislative representatives to take action on their behalf.

On Sept. 25 Royal Villas residents Kathy Elliott and Pat Bishop, Eldorado Villas resident Rita Loberger and King Village resident John Spencer, who together represented about 540 homes in the three parks, met with Sen. Aaron Woods (D-District 13), and Reps. Ben Bowman (D-District 25) and Courtney Neron (D-District 26) at their Capitol offices’ conference room for a half-hour to discuss the issue.

All the parks are owned...

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Elliott suggested that maybe there should be one rate cap for people on Social Security and a higher cap for people who are still working.

Oregon already has rent control. But some mobile home park tenants don’t think it goes far enough. They now want there to be two types of rent control: one for seniors and one for younger people. I know that using the word “socialist” has been worn out this election season, but that’s effectively what we’re talking about here. To quote Wikipedia: ”the goal of socialism is to distribute goods and services equitably”. Basically, it’s the inverse of the free-market capitalist system. If Oregon wants to change from capitalism to socialism, that’s fine I guess, but at least be honest about it.


KDLL: Soldotna strengthens protections for mobile home park residents


More than a year after residents of a mobile home park in Soldotna  over alleged insufficient utilities and illegal evictions, city council members have updated health and safety standards for residents.

Council member Jordan Chilson sponsored the ordinance. He’s invoked the lawsuit in explaining why the changes are necessary.

“What I’m concerned about is in the event that those close – and it’s likely a matter of when, not if,” he said. “ … My intent is that when that eventually happens, those tenants are treated fairly and given an opportunity to relocate.”

The owners of River Terrace told tenants in July last year...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The owners of River Terrace told tenants in July last year that they’d need to move off the property by this past May. The eviction notices caught the park’s roughly 40 year-round residents, many of whom are low-income or seniors, by surprise.

You don’t see a whole lot of articles on Alaskan mobile home parks, but this one’s pretty ridiculous. The owner had already given the residents one year notice to leave the property prior to redevelopment, then the city tied it up in court for a year, and now the city has passed a new rule that states … park owners must give the residents one-year advance notice to close the park. Common sense would say that the owner has already met that threshold, but the crazy bureaucrats have now tacked an additional year on this saga with no compensation for the property owner who did everything right.


Anna Maria Island Sun: Condemnation at mobile home parks explained


BRADENTON BEACH – City Building Official Darin Cushing addressed condemnation questions and outlined the next steps for homeowners at the Pines Trailer Park and many at the Sandpiper Resort Co-Op who received letters assessing their mobile homes with substantial damage due to hurricane-related flooding.

“People are throwing the word condemned around, but no trailers have been condemned, yet,” Cushing wrote in an Oct. 25 email to The Sun. “There are a few in the Pines that are pretty wrecked, so we will cross that bridge when we get to it.”

“We’re doing this part first but then we’re going to be looking at the ones that are going to be...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Florida is a “red state” in name only. I’m not sure if their goal is to go back to raw farmland, but you can’t go to people that have just had their homes ruined in a hurricane and tell them “sorry but now we’ve changed the rules and you have to spend another $50,000 just to put your $5,000 singlewide back on its lot”. This whole nightmare for Floridians began with the condo building collapse a few years ago followed by the empowerment of bureaucrats to make impossible demands on good-natured people who simply want to retire in peace (the going average is around $100,000 per condo owner for studies and structural refinement). Now Florida is stacking on similar “deal-killing” mandates for single-family and mobile homes. The result is that people are starting to leave the state in droves. I’m not sure what Ron DeSantis is thinking, but I’ve never seen a state so bent on self-destruction. Between the State’s inept attitude, the regular hurricane season and the lack of available insurance, the only thing residing in Florida may eventually be orange trees.


Saco Bay News: Old Orchard Beach set to vote on mobile home park rent control ordinance


Tenants at one of southern Maine’s most affordable mobile home parks are up in arms over the possibility of future rent increases under new ownership, and have successfully petitioned the Old Orchard Beach town council to add a rent control ordinance to ballots for the Nov. 5 election.

Voters in Old Orchard Beach will be asked: “Shall the Ordinance entitled ‘Citizens Initiative Petition, Amendments to the Town of Old Orchard Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 34, Housing, adding Article IV, Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance’ be adopted?”

The sale of the Old Orchard Village and Atlantic Village mobile home park (a single park with...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Concerned that the increase was a precursor of things to come under the new owner, tenants in the park initiated a petition drive to establish a rent control ordinance for mobile home parks. Tenants found such an ordinance in use in a town in California and revised it to be OOB-specific. The petition was submitted to the town in August, and was subject to a public hearing before the town council on September 3. The ordinance has been reviewed by the town’s attorney, and found to be acceptable. The council had two choices at the September meeting: approve it that evening, or allow voters to decide the matter in the form of a referendum. The latter was approved on a 4-0 vote.

So Maine apparently wants to be the next California. It makes complete sense that only mobile home parks should have rent control and that the bureaucrats have decided to allow the locals to vote on whether it’s a good idea or not, right? I wonder what would happen if the locals also voted on putting a cap on gas prices, food prices, insurance prices, and even car prices, because that’s the logical next step.


Sedona Red Rock News: Goldwater sues city, Jablow over short-term rentals


The Goldwater Institute has filed suit against the city of Sedona, Mayor Scott Jablow and City Manager Anette Spickard over the city’s refusal to grant a short-term rental permit to the new owner of the Oak Creek Mobilodge.

Oak Creek Hospitality LLC purchased the 59-space mobile home park in September 2023, although the sale was not recorded with Coconino County until June 2024.

The mobile home park, which is zoned single-family residential, predates the incorporation of Sedona in 1988 and “is considered a legal nonconforming use,” then-Community Development Director Audree Juhlin stated in a letter to then-owner Don Campbell in...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Based on the information presented in the article, the bureaucrats in Sedona are going to have a tough time trying to negate their written representations to the buyer that the mobile home park was legal for short-term rentals. Maybe next time they should write their certificates of zoning in invisible ink?


WPBN/WGTU: Residents in Marion Township rally against proposed mobile home park development


CHARLEVOIX COUNTY, Mich., (WPBN/WGTU) -- Public meetings about housing are often crowded. A hearing in Charlevoix County on Thursday night was no exception.

But, residents were not just concerned about development.

They had already voted on the proposal two months ago.

In 2023, Marion Township passed a zoning change paving the way for “Copper Creek Meadows,” a mobile home park.

The land near Castle Farms is currently vacant.

This year, residents overwhelmingly voted that down in the August primary, seemingly definitive.

“The next meeting after that vote, it was announced by the zoning supervisor that the development was going to be...

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The city said “no” to building a new mobile home park

This year, residents overwhelmingly voted that down in the August primary, seemingly definitive.

And then the guy wanting to develop it appealed that vote and they voted again:

The appeal was unanimously rejected by the three-person board.

So now the deal is dead. What’s the lesson learned? Nobody – and I mean nobody – who owns property in the United States wants a mobile home park built anywhere near their property. That’s never going to change. And that’s why I’m so negative when people tell me they are going to start a venture to build new parks. It’s simply a futile mission.


Industry Dive: What does it take to decarbonize a manufactured home community?


Electrifying and decarbonizing one home is a step in the right direction. But what if a whole neighborhood had cleaner, more efficient power? 

Paulo Cesar Tabares-Velasco, an associate professor of mechanical engineering with the Colorado School of Mines, wanted to find out. His question has led to 16 manufactured-home owners in Lake County, Colorado, agreeing to swap out some gas-powered appliances for electric ones, increase their insulation, make small retrofits and subscribe to a community solar installation elsewhere in the state. The project is partially funded by federal grants and includes partnerships with state agencies, other...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Electrifying and decarbonizing one home is a step in the right direction. But what if a whole neighborhood had cleaner, more efficient power? 

Sure, you would imagine that – at a time in which Americans have never been more broke – there would be more important items than “decarbonizing” mobile homes (you know, like buying food). Unbelievable that they would not be embarrassed to run this article.


WWSB: Hundreds of Bradenton Beach mobile homes likely to be condemned


BRADENTON, Fla. (WWSB) - It was a heartbreaking afternoon for hundreds of residents on Bradenton Beach.

“We were all anxious to reinvest in our properties and in the community again, and then we are hit this morning with this bombshell,” said Pines Trailer Park resident Bill Lavelle.

That bombshell he is referring to – an announcement from the city saying FEMA told them all manufactured homes on the island that had any flooding from the recent hurricanes essentially had to be destroyed.

“This is my little chunk of paradise that I was just able to get at this stage of my life, and now it’s been ripped away from me,” Lavelle said.

The only...

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The only other option is to build the homes up in some cases 12 feet to make them compliant with the city’s flood ordinance. But given the cost and the layout of the two mobile home communities in town, that’s virtually impossible.

And now you know why Ronald Reagan said the nine scariest words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.


Daily Journal: Lee County residents air concerns of manufactured housing code updates


TUPELO — A fiery Thursday-morning board meeting ended with little resolution as residents aired their frustration with a recent update to manufactured home codes in Lee County.

Amid a packed board room, Board President and District 3 Supervisor Wesley Webb explained that the recently approved update to manufactured housing regulations has been paused, with planned advertising shelved until changes can be made.

“We are going to try our best to come up with a compromise with everybody. We can’t please everybody, but we are going to do our best,” he said, adding that there would be no discussion of the code until the public meeting.


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Webb said the purpose of the regulations, specifically the 2-acre lot size requirement, was to ensure wastewater and sewer hookups were adequate.

Sure, it makes complete sense that single-family homes are fine on a quarter-acre lot but mobile homes require 2 acres under the new ordinance. And I’m sure that it’s to ensure wastewater hookups are adequate. No way it could be a way to make sure there are no more mobile homes brought into Tupelo, Mississippi, right?


WFTS Tampa Bay: Mobile home residents getting eviction notices on top of storm damage


NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. — In a neighborhood already wrecked by Helene’s storm surge and Milton’s winds, a simple piece of paper is causing even more agony.

Some residents with seriously damaged homes in Harbor View Mobile Manor are now getting eviction notices.

Janel Heffelfinger, Harbor View HOA board president, said, “We have some that are trying to live with no electric. No floors. They are falling through their floors when they walk. We have one couple who has a man who is completely paralyzed in a wheelchair. She can’t even bring him back here. They are paying money out of their pocket for a house they can’t live in because his...

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Some of Harbor View is still without power and much of the trash is still piled up. “When I first moved here this was a beautiful mobile home park and now we are living like trailer trash. It’s ridiculous. We pay way too much money to this big corporation to not have any consideration,” said Heffelfinger.

This Park was wiped out in Hurricane Helene and the residents are blaming the park owner for that. Good to see that even in a national crisis the “free rent movement” is going strong.


KTTC: Stewartville mobile home residents express more concerns after new ownership brings higher costs


STEWARTVILLE, Minn. (KTTC) – Residents of Southern Hills/Northridge Place mobile home parks shared concerns as they say they face more expensive lot rentals, increased fees, and lack of maintenance.

In March, Havenpark Communities, a Utah-based investment company, became the new owner of Southern Hills/Northridge Place mobile home parks. Tenant Evelyn Kuschel said the issues arose shortly after this transition of ownership.

According to Kuschel, current residents of the mobile home parks pay around $500 in lot rent, but new residents will now need to pay an increased rent of $895. On top of this, the residents' lot rentals for next year...

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Our thoughts on this story:

According to Kuschel, current residents of the mobile home parks pay around $500 in lot rent, but new residents will now need to pay an increased rent of $895. On top of this, the residents' lot rentals for next year will face a 10% increase.

Let me get this straight: a current tenant who pays $500 per month in lot rent is complaining because all new residents moving in will have to pay $895 per month. That would be like me complaining that I used to get a $100 rate while other people (who I don’t know) are paying full retail for the same room.

The new park owner even pointed this stupidity out:

Over the last few weeks, we’ve notified residents about all our improvement projects, which will result in an average rent increase of $52 that will go into effect on January 1, 2025. New residents moving to Southern Hills will receive landscaping services and be paying a rate that is more in line with the local market.

What’s really going on here? Some random ‘free rent movement” advocate wants to complain about things that are none of their business because, clearly, landlords are inherently evil.


Portland Press Herald: OOB to vote on mobile home park rent control


Old Orchard Beach residents will vote in November on a proposed mobile home park rent control ordinance.

If approved by voters, the ordinance would ensure lot rents for mobile home park residents could only increase by 5% yearly, except under special circumstances.

Residents in Old Orchard Beach’s mobile home parks typically own their home and rent the lot the home sits on.

In February of this year, residents of Atlantic Village and Old Orchard Village learned that the longtime owner — Seagate Limited Partnership — was selling the properties to California-based company Follett USA.

In an effort to keep rent costs low, residents attempted...

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Our thoughts on this story:

In an effort to keep rent costs low, residents attempted to purchase the parks. When this effort did not work, they began to explore rent control.

And if that doesn’t work, they’re going to slash the park owner’s tires? This has nothing to do with fairness or value but simply the “free rent movement”. These folks simply don’t want to pay rent regardless of what a great deal they’re getting.


The Press Democrat: Santa Rosa moves to designate 12 mobile home parks as seniors-only. Legal challenges may come next


Santa Rosa is taking initial steps to strengthen protections for seniors who live in many of the city’s mobile home parks.

The City Council during a Tuesday study session directed planning staffers to move forward with a proposal to designate 12 of the city’s 16 parks as seniors-only.

The designation would require most residents in the 12 parks be 55 and older, ensuring that rental spaces remain available to older adults and making it tougher for park owners to convert existing senior parks to all-ages.

Senior residents have been championing the change since they secured some of the tightest local rent control protections in late...

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Our thoughts on this story:

So, the city has decided to unilaterally make 12 of the 16 parks in the city “seniors-only” without any authorization, process or approval from the government. Never mind that the city is fully aware it will never hold up in court. Sounds like they need to hire Letitia James as she doesn’t typically let the law stand in her way. Doesn’t It remind you of the scene in Blazing Saddles in which the outlaws are deputized by the corrupt governor and then given badges to which they shout “badges?... we don’t need no stinking badges!”

The Republic: Settlement conference planned in legal dispute between mobile home park owner and Seymour


INDIANAPOLIS — A federal judge has scheduled a settlement conference in a legal dispute between the owner of a mobile home park and the city of Seymour involving allegations that the company had underreported its water usage by nearly 63 million gallons over roughly a two-year period.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Crystal S. Wildeman recently scheduled a settlement conference on Feb. 19 to explore the possibility of reaching a settlement to resolve the lawsuit, according to filings in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis.

The lawsuit, filed June 27 by Parkland Inc., alleges that the city of Seymour, among other things, violated what the company...

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Our thoughts on this story:

In the complaint, Parkland Inc. alleges that former company employee Todd Storey, who the company says was in charge of reading the meter and reporting the readings to the city, resigned in November 2022 and vowed to “take (Gregg) Pardieck down for $250,000.” Pardieck is identified in court filings as the company’s president. Collectively from June 2021 to August 2023, Parkland Inc. reported using around 62.83 million gallons more water to IDEM than what it reported to Seymour’s water utility, according to records included in the complaint.

So let me get this straight. The park owner fires the manager and he “vows to take the owner down” by reporting that he under reported to the city 62.83 million gallons of water that had been dumped down the sewer line without any supportive evidence of any type.

For those who are complete idiots (apparently the city and the reporter qualify) 62 million gallons of water would equate to filling 62 football fields 10’ deep in water… and that’s how much this little trailer park supposedly used… and the city believes that… yeah right.

I hope the city has a really good attorney because the judge will have to be smoking crack for them to win. 62 million pounds of crack to be exact.